Jadik la buat amik feel katanye.. Hehehe
Hotel of choice this time around is G Hotel KL..
Somedays, I look more fat than pregnant.. Other days I look more pregnant than fat..
It depends a lot on what i wear kot..
Anyway, I'm totally loving my bump.. Sekarang ni lepas makan banyak2 takyah susah payah nak suck in perut lagik.. hahahahha..
(ps: Yes baby, of course it's becos I love you too)
Kat belakang tu is a small walk in closet..

Next day nye.. Jalan2 carik makan la weols..
Lunch at Ikan Bakar Jalan Bellamy..
Merasa mak bawak beg Prada dok bawah atas zink youols... Panas nak mampos..
Tapi SEDAP nak mampos ikan terubuk bakar iols tuh.. Makan sambil berdoa jgn la migrain sebab mmg atap zink tu ade la 2 kaki jek dari kepala.. Huhuhu..
Memang puas hati lah dapat ikan bakar tengahari tuh.. Hehehhe..
Lepas tu balik bilik berehat sambil teman Leman buat keja kat bilik..
Pembetulan: Leman buat kerja.. Iols teman sambil tido.. hahahaha..
Overall hotel nih cool la jugak.. Tapi iols tak berapa berkenan sebab dia dlm office building.. Dah booked baru la nak buat research kan.. Pandai!
And for 5 star hotel they claim to be.. punye la belagak and sombong nye customer service kat sini.. Daripada reception, sampai la ke restaurant and any other hotel staff we met along the way.. semua berlagak sombong.. Senyum sikit tak nak.. Apetah lagik nak greet guests..
Aku pernah dok hotel tahap umah tumpangan pon ade yg lagik friendly daripada nih ok.. Pfftttt!!
But i think diorang nih double standard.. Sebab kalau dgn mat salleh bukan main baik kau ye.. Nasib mood ahkak tgh baik nih.. Kalau tak mau akak make a big fuss kat managemen kau..
So that wraps up our mini getaway..
Later nak check out sebab dah rindu kat Hiro & the geng.
Hopefully we can have another 1 or 2 more babymoon lepas nih..
I need my holiday fix! Huhu
And it's nice that baby dot gets to tag along now (within me) :)
1 comment:
should complain..kat kolej pun same..staff sombong2 mcm student ni mintak duit dia gamaknye nak byr yuran..puihh! hahahahah
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