Saturday, October 09, 2004

Saturday Rock !!!!!!!

tadaaa... dot kat cyber cafe..nak check email..sbb kat ofis still blom blaja back door camne nak access yahoo and such.. beratus email.. aderla dekat 85.3 junk mail.. hehehehhe... dor dah ngantuk dah sebenar nye.,. today sehari suntuk dot exercise.. penat tau...naik tangga turun tangga..naik lift..masuk kedai kluar kedai... bukak wallet tutup wallet..which can only conclude to my faveret exercise--->>> SHOPPING !!!! hehhehehe..mestilah wif my equally obsess shopping buddy aka beloved sista yg ajak org teman diar lawan bowling SO DAMN early in da morning... huhuhuh.. kul 10 dot dah smp depan kj amik si antusemut..awal gile..nott... dah terlambat dah..takut gila si antu tuh marah kalau dier disqualified sbb lambat..hehehe..but being the road bully that i am..we managed to arrive rite on lambat 10 minit time... cayalah dot!! hehehe.. then lepas tgk si antusemut tuh campak bola beberapa dah ngantuk dot pon pegi la ronda ronda sensowang..kedai pon byk yg baru jek bukak pintu...hehehe.. dot sempat makan kentaki dan sempat shopping 2 pasang suit keja baru...hehehhehe...i likeee... then lepas dah shopping sket..baru lah rase warming up sket nak meneruskan hari sabtu yg indah ini... lepak balik kat bowling alley sunway piramid sampai kul 2... then makan sushi..then sambung shopping... gila banyak aa abes duit aku arinih.. atau lebih tepat agik increasing my creditors column..huhuhuh... tuh pon byk dah yg dot pass utk bulan nih.. conclusion.. i am about RM600 hundred poorer... and increase in expense and short term assets/long term beli 2 pasang kasut..satu seluar keja..2 pasang suit keja.. 2 helai baju keja..and hadiah my hopefully future daddy in law..hehehhe.. by the way.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to DADDY.. esok ader surprise besday party kat umah along dot lepas massage trus pegi and heret ayong skali (ayong doesn't have much choice: a) ikut dot pegi party b) balik naik teksi).. is so waiting forward to the massage and spa thingee... cume spoilt skit pasal timing lari..susah la mau swimming esok..huhuhu..okla.. dot nak balik umah dulu... sgt penat sampai dah nak lembik dah nih...enjoy your weekend everyone..muahhss....

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