On Valentine’s day
We celebrated our 130 month-sery on Saturday..hehehe..so we always celebrate 14 Feb..
Taun nih husband beli saham banyak sket..hari jumaat lepas tuh..time aku tengah menggelupur byk kerja..tetiba ader orang hantar bunga..heheheh..
“To: Puan Z H B ..”
Happy Valentine’s day honey..I love you so much..”
heheheh..sapo lagik nak bagik mesej camtuh kan..takkan husband orang kot..mestilah husband sendiri..hehehhe..seb baik husband letak nama penuh..kalau tak mesti ckp kat org hantar bunga tuh dia salah hantar..hehehe..sayang husband..walaupon bunga time valentine’s eve/day sgt over melampau..boleh buat beli kasut vincci 2..huhuh..tapi sayang sgt suka..and thank you very much for making me smile for the day..despite stress keja byk nak mati..huhuhuh..I love you more…
Malam tuh bila husband jemput from office..dia bagi plak cup cakes sempena V-day.. yum yum.. thank you husband..
We went back to Bangi sebab brother in law tinggal sowang..and spent the nite lepak2 with his 2 brothers..diaorang semua main guitar hero sampai pagi..aku plak tengok Benjamin Button 30 jam dah ngantok nak mati..so tido lah sampai besok pagi..
Spent the whole saturday frolicking around the house..hehehe..lunch pon dah pukul 530 petang..sebok jek adik ipar aku tagging kitaorang dating..hehehe..sian..girlfren jauh nun di sana.. terpaksa lah tangging sister in law jek on valentine’s day…hehehhe..And lepas makan balik sebab wayang sgt ramai org.. and takde mood nak bersesak sesak…omg..i must be getting very old..asek suka lepak kat umah jek..dah tak suka jalan2..(tapi pegi holiday saya suka..heheh)..Tapi sempat singgah Popular kat Sunway Piramid tuh..Sbb dot tak belikan apepe pon utk husband..dot bagi dia 2 magazine kereta jek as his valentine’s day gift..hehhehe..
And I bought another 3 story books this February alone..
1) Princess Diaries - Pincess on the Brink (Meg Cabot) –> Done
2) Princess Diaries - Princess Mia (Meg Cabot) –> Dah beli and dah baca in January..bodo..cover jek lain rupanye..buat bazir duit aku..huhhu
3) princess Diaries - Forever Princess (Meg Cabot) –> 1/2 way there..
4) Avalon High (Meg Cabot) –> Started
5) The Believer (Nicholas Sparks) –> Not started
6) Kingdom of Dream (Judith McKnought) –> Pon dah penah beli and baca..bazir bazir..
7) Who’s That Girl (Alexandra Potter) –> Belom bukak sarung plastic pon..hehehe
Wahhh..sgt byk buku..aku kalau masok book store..rasa cam playground..high rasa nye tengok buku2 tuh..hehehhe..especially buku bukan pelajaran dan buku2 yg tidak menjana perkembangan minda..hahahha…
Lepas nih aku rasa nak buat review lah utk buku2 yg dah penah baca..lagipon asek lupa jek buku yg dah baca..and keep buying the same one again..bazir..
Arrhhhhgghh..malas bangat mau ke kantor today..malas..malas…malas…
And bertambah malas bila tengok result ACCA aku hari nih..huhuhu..
No ladies.. I’m not lucky enuf..and my wish does not come true..huhuhhu..
Aku masih fail satu paper..huhuhuhhu..sedihhh…
Cuma.. tak sedih sgt.. cuma cam blank..takde perasaan kejap tengok perkataan fail tuh.. huhuhhu.. I’m succumb to failure kah? mungkin jugak.. Yg aku pikir is..shit man..there goes more money to my exam fees.. Lalu aku tepon husband..untuk sharing luka di hati.. At least he’s happy to know I pass one of the paper.. and husband dah janji nak support untuk paper yg lagik satu nih…hehehhehe…tenkiu husband..
Aku rasa mmg kena ade org sponsor baru aku leh dpt berkat untuk pass..hahahha..tapi aku tetap bersyukur..akhir nya aku lepas jugak paper yg dah berkali2 aku amik tuh.. kalau tadik papaer tuh yg fail lagik..aku rasa aku nangis kot..huhuhuhu..
Thanks abah for sponsoring my paper.. yg pass tuh la..mesti sbb berkat duit abah..hahahaha..what the hell..duit aku tak berkat kah? aku rasa aku takde main judi pon..hahaha..beli tikam seposen pon dah lama lama lama lama tak buat.. hahahha..
Congrats utk zaika yg dah pass ACCA..
Congrats jugak untuk Juju yg telah menjadi tunangan orang..
Congrats jugak untuk aku yg bakal menerima ibu muda baru…
PS: Point yg last tuh deserve an entry on its own..when the time is right..
Nite peeps..
Monday, February 16, 2009
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