Hello December!
I love this month..rase cam nak gi holiday jek hari2.. hehehe..
Neway, 1st IUI bust.. it's ok.. life goes on..
Maybe because we went into the procedure with an open mind.. and taking into consideration the success rate.. we're not crushed by this failure.. (not yet anyway..huhuhu)..just a lil' bit dissapointed.. (for me anyway..especially bila mengenang kan duit2 yg berterbangan itu..hahahhaha..kidding.. redho babes.. redho!)..Duit boleh di cari kan.. (kalo korang jumpa lebih passing kat aku sket pliss..)
At first, when I restarted my TTC journey few weeks back.. i put EVERYTHING in my life on hold..
Ok.. mainly Holiday plan yg semua put on hold..hehehhe..
I'm the kind that plan my holidays one year earlier.. kata budget traveller kan.. harus setahun sebelom tiket semua dah bersusun dah.. hehehe.. tapi sebab tgh planning nak buat anak.. tak berani la nak book apepe kan..
But lepas dah dapat result negative tuh.. my holiday plans are back on track.. hahahha..
Takleh tahan youols.. tangan gatal jek nak booking plak tuh si red fren tuh asek buat sale jek..
So my holiday plan for 2011 dah siap susun..
December 2010: Singapore
February 2011: International ticket semua mahal. High probably domestic holiday je.
May 2011: Redang
July 2011: Mini honeymoon at Genting Highland (hahahahha..poyo gile.. nak gi genting pon siap nak plan :P.. well.. walaupon dekat but still nak kena pakai duit kan..so kena la include dalam plan)
August 2011: Rahsia.. cannot be disclosed yet sebab belom confirm.. mudah2an di izinkan Allah..aminn..
October 2011: Honeymoon at Perth
December 2011: Depending on kadar kewangan.. tapik rase nye after Perth mungkin dah tinggal nyawa2 ikan..so dekat2 jek la kot.. kalau dapat tiket murah..nak pegi Bali plisss..
I love my holiday plans.. it give me purpose and timeline... hahahhaha..
We've decided to take a break on TTC sampai February 2011.. let nature runs it course... Aku ingat aku nak request doctor buat HSG sekali lagik.. kalau everything okay after that, we may want to proceed with IUI one more time.. Kalau tak? Shudders to even think about it..sebab cost IVF is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over our budget.. sob..sob.. kat TMC average per cycle is around RM25K.. confirm la takleh bersuka ria setahun dua kan.. so not cool.. uhuhu.. so we'll see how..
And we've decided, we will run our life as we see fit..kalau dah sampai rezeki nak dapat baby in between our life plan.. we'll adjust as and when..
Another thing yg stressful about TTC this round is.. the weight gain.. I'm pilling on the kilos..
Memang la dah sedia ter-gemok (eceh..heheh) lepas kawen kan.. But sebab TTC..asek la takut2 nak lasak2 kan.. So now I've decided to put TTC with medical intervention on hold.. and try by bestest to pull down some of my weigh first (ehem.. macam familiar jek nih kan..hahahha..well.. katanye nak masuk tahun baru dah nih nyehs! ;) )
Ye la..time lepas IUI tu.. nak gi gym pon takut.. rase macam..kang lari lebih2 tercicir plak telor aku kang.. hahahha.. lari??? fat chance! Padahal jalan jek lebih...heheheh.. but then, better be safe than sorry la kan..
Plak tu.. stage craving hari tuh kan.. mmg saiko gile.. sebbaik I've passed that stage.. I can slowly start to control my diet again.. (sambil terbayang nasik lemak rendang ayam mesra.. )
So wish me luck! Confirm I need them.. hehehhe..
I have 3 months before I start my TTC journey again..
Semoga Allah permudah kan segala urusan ku.. Aminn..
good luck ina! inshaAllah sempena tahun hijrah yg baru ni everything will work out well for you!
senasib la kita ;) hope tahun baru ada peluang yg baru utk kita menambah ahli keluarga..take care
xpe.. usaha tangga kejayaan... masih ada lagi yg senasib dgn kita.. wish u 1000x lucks on TTC and enjoy your holidayssss!!!
xpe.. usaha tangga kejayaan... masih ada lagi yg senasib dgn kita.. wish u 1000x lucks on TTC and enjoy your holidayssss!!!
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