Thursday, April 13, 2006

7 in 1

Ideas Please !!
In 3 would be me and Leman's 8th anniversary...
and i really dunno what to get him...
Any ideas??
I already gave him a sandal and a t-shirt for his birthday..just recently gave him a ring..past event he'd received lots and lots of shirts/t-shirts..guitar..wallet..belt...perfum..will be giving him a watch with the hantaran kawen..etc...
And with a tight budget (about 200-300)..can;t afford to buy handphone or hi tech gadgets..
Aiyohhh...dunno what to give..but i really have to get him sumthing..cause last year i tot he's too busy to buy me anything..and i'm too busy to buy him i ended up buying him nuthing..but it turned out that he bought me this beautiful gold necklace and pendant..and i felt so GUILTY after that...huhuhuhuhu..i think i only bought him his aniversary gift much later afterwards..hahaha..
SO if any of you have any ideas..please share with me..
April 11, 2006 Permalink Comments (0)

Last week was a total bliss...
Haaa...(relaxing sigh''..)..hehehe...
The Redang air did me the company of my beloved fiance, sister and frens, all the colourful fishes under the sea, the turtle, the FOODS...the beach, the sand, the living crab, the goreng crab..and most importantly..the AUDIT FREE life.... was WORTH EVERY SINGLE CENT...No regrets at all..The details are as follows;
Friday (7 April 2005)
Went to work like usual...can't really 537 pm..switch off my lap top..went to Leman had also arrived from Tapah...Get 830pm, my bro Boy send us all to Hentian Putra..We arrived at about 9pm..tercangak bangak tatau nak pegi mana..almaklum tak pernah naik bas kat situ..tunggu Alisa and Nizam..Boarded the bus at 10pm..Sejok nak mampos despite me wearing a long sleeve shirt + sweater + shawl...arrived at Kuala Terengganu Bus Terminal at 6 am...
Saturday (8 April 2005)
Being transfer to the Jetty...Boarded the small feri to Redang..45 minutes later..we landed on the sandy beach..and surrounded by crystal clear baby blue plus baby green water...Check in our rooms..Which are just a few feet away from the sea...gile best lah sea view room dia..then..Alamak..malas lah plak nak cerita detail...Let me just sum up our card table darts...snorkeling...makan..lepaking under the coconut trees just staring at the sea...makan...karaoke..card games...tido...
Yup..we makan and makan and makan and wonder my sluar kerja is tighter today...hahaha...but very the enjoyable and fun and happy...i dun even answer any calls during the week..not that anyone called me anyway..cause the one who calles me frequently is right beside me in Redang...hehehe...
During one of our snorkeling and Leman..always side by side each other (almost always when he's not to busy with the fishes and forgot about me...huhuh)..and while snorkeling under water..i mumble "I wove yo" to Leman..and he really really make me crazy happy by answering...from under the water..."I wove yu thu"...hahahahah...great communication skills eh??..Dalam air pon buleh paham "i love you.."...
We also went "turtle" hunting that first evening..i made the mistake of believing its turtle sight seeing..instead of turtle hunting in the OPEN SEA...god..i was damn terrified at that whole life depending on the life jacket im wearing...cause i did not know how to to Nizam who could very macho-ly swim around the open sea without the life jacket on..i think it must be close to a 2 km swim that day...even Leman is not moving anymore..and had to be "berpegangan tangan dan ditarik oleh abang pulau..." so clinging to My Sis..who in turn cling to the other Abang Pulau who pull us farther and farther into the Open Sea..Alisa is with another of the Abang Pulau..
After seem hours of swimming around..with me all the while scared to death..dah baca dah semua ayat ayat suci yg ku tahu dalam laut tuh..huhuhu..SANGAT TAKUT was so deep and hari dah semakin chest rasa nak explode...and i dun even know what the hell we're doing in the deep sea..But after what seem like and my sis did eventually saw the "turtle" swimming happily beneath us..he's big...then the abang suggest..Let's go baby shark hunting plak..."haaaa???"..oh noo...tidak...takmo mati kena gigit shark (the last CSI cant remember which one i watched..a girl got eaten by a shark)...but lucky shark or even baby sharks were around despite us hunting..
By totally exhausted..but the abang pulau suggest we swim back to the shore..."We whatttt???""",....noooooo im too tired to move...but anxious to get back..i agree nevertheless..and while i was swimming separuh mati to the beloved fiance' who's alredi selamat berada di atas bot..with Alisa..wave to us "action-ly"...hahh...kata cinta tapi biar jek aku nih terkial kial dalam laut sowang sowang...ciss...bertuah punye tunang..hehehe...
All in all..all of us had a GREAT and WONDERFUL and HEAVENLY time there...
We even manage to have another big feast of nasi dagang, keropok lekor and sotong goreng before we depart to KL at 10pm on Monday..
Before that, we even manage to do "some" or more like "borong" shopping in Pasar Payang..
And back to reality..well..sort of still having my "post holiday" mood on..
and there's another holiday coming up for me in less than one month..and soon after that my study leave is starting...wahhhh...syiokkknyeeee...asek bercuti aje..But for today..i have to try harder to complete my work by the end of the day..eventho im still having a "bus lag"...
April 11, 2006 Permalink Comments (0)

Work Hard Party Harder !!!
At long last (3 months really can feels like 3 years)..i've completed my audit assignment and bookings with K** Holding Berhad...Giler suffer..stress level overdose over and over and over again...hahahha...3 bulan jugak aku tak makan kat Richinie or with Juju.. (maybe sekali dalam setiap minggu jek) keja tgk matahari..balik tgk bulan..sad and pathetic..
Enuf said..its over..but the damn peak period is still ain't over..the very next week..i'm alredi on another assignment..though less stress..but still a lot of work jugak..since me going on a holiday going off to a beatiful beatiful island in the east coast of peninsular...supposedly 6 of us..but i of my fren had to cancel due to her last minute warning professional paper sad..and so rugi..cause she'd alredi paid in full..and cause she cancel so near the departure date..the travel agency wont give refund..
WIth lots and lots of work to be completed..i had to always forced my "wandering" mind back to my auditor brain..i have to keep switching from "berangan" mode to "berfikir" mode..and from "malas kerja nak pergi bercuti" mode back to "kerja..kerja..kerja" mode...huhuhuhu..
Jap lagik tepat jam 6 packing man..dengan jeles nye..3 out of four of my travel mates..semua tak kerja pon today..ciss..poyo...bas malam lah wei..sempat kerja dulu...hehehhe...
LAst weekend managed to went and visit Nana and Baby Adriana...soooooooooooooo cuuttteeeeeee...rasa nak curik bawak balik...tapi nanti sape nak jaga..aku busy..juju lagik takleh harap..kang cekik budak tuh dia sumbat nestum kang...hahahahha....
Need to get back to work...demmitt..fokus dot..fokuss...!!!!
April 06, 2006 Permalink Comments (0)
Aiyohh..malas nye mau bgn pergi kerja today..cepat nye weekend ku berlalu..had a bz weekend..dua hari berturut turut gi Matta-MITM im dead broke soooo counting the days to my "double" holiday..
approximately 18 days from and my frens are going to Redang..yeayyyy...i just have to endure another 2 weeks of pure torture..doing consol for this Client..then im wait..
Then one month after my REdang trip...will be heading of to Jakarta wif my family plak..heheheh..mana tak sengkek..asek berjalan jek kerja nye..destress the rate im going..or at the current stress rate my life is in danger of booking a one way ticket to tanjung rambutan man..heheheh...
So for now..i just have to suck up and finish up all this tortorous work...everytime im stress..i'll just glance at the redang brochure (but currently Louisa's borrowing the i just have to use my creative imagination)..ahhhh...2 more weeks...just 2 more weeks...
March 20, 2006 Permalink Comments (0)
Aiyohh..malas nye mau bgn pergi kerja today..cepat nye weekend ku berlalu..had a bz weekend..dua hari berturut turut gi Matta-MITM im dead broke soooo counting the days to my "double" holiday..
approximately 18 days from and my frens are going to Redang..yeayyyy...i just have to endure another 2 weeks of pure torture..doing consol for this Client..then im wait..
Then one month after my REdang trip...will be heading of to Jakarta wif my family plak..heheheh..mana tak sengkek..asek berjalan jek kerja nye..destress the rate im going..or at the current stress rate my life is in danger of booking a one way ticket to tanjung rambutan man..heheheh...
So for now..i just have to suck up and finish up all this tortorous work...everytime im stress..i'll just glance at the redang brochure (but currently Louisa's borrowing the i just have to use my creative imagination)..ahhhh...2 more weeks...just 2 more weeks...
March 20, 2006 Permalink Comments (0)

Happy 84th Monthly Berseri seri too My beloved..
I love you more than words can say..
83 months ago..i become your gal friday..
Hope we'll be together until we're 83 years old.. (by that time, if both of us is still alive..there's small chance ade girl yg berminat lagi kat like it or not i'll guess you'll be stuck with me for the rest of our lives..kan? kan?)..we'll be the happy "crazy" old couple ok..
I wish i can hug and kiss you instead of hugging and kissing my lap top like im doing now...huhuhuh...dah pukul 10 malam..nak balik tengok tv...huhuhuhuh....
Though there's no words that can describe my love to you...
I guess "I LoVE You Very MuCh" will have to do at the moment ok sayang..
March 14, 2006 Permalink Comments (0)

WHINING still living life in the fast lane..sighhh again...i i wish i could switch gear 2...huhuhuhu...Will still be in this client's booking for another 3 weeks..3 long and sickening weeks..buut i guess i should be thankful..there's worse job than this..
On Saturday..i went to Sunway..and i tot..oh..i'm stress and bored..and i wanna cut my thing leads to usual..i always cut more than i meant to after sharing some of my February's salary with the stylist at "a cut above"..i have a really short hair...the shortest i dared since i graduated...i asked for "maximum paras dagu ahh.."..but as usual..the ah moi mesti gatal gatal nak test power scissors dia..snip snip..snap snap..snip lagik sikit..dan lagi dan lagi dan lagik...haa...ambik kau..dapat rambut pendek..panjang skett jek dpd rambut si Leman kesayanganku itu...hahahha...seb baik Leman tak kisah..(dia nak kata aper..aku dah potong dah suketi ye tak?..)..but i actually like this new stail..makes my kepala yg besar dan berat ini ringan sedikit..tapi my fren Nizam's first word is : "Rambut kau kena gigit ngan anjing ke?"...hahahaha...siyut punye kawan..
Some of my frens dah jadik mommies/ dapatlah dot beberapa orang "adik" angkat baru (Kak Ina..not auntie ina ok babies??..heheheh) ..A very big conratulations to :
1) Skeimc and Asha
2) Aida and Hubby
3) Noly and Hubby (i went to visit Noly at PMC tadik..her baby is sooooo cute..and she's the one and only person yg dot jumpa setakat nih yg cakap beranak tak sakit..rasa lebih kurang cam berak keras jek..kewl gileee...without epidural oke...)
Nana and Dan akan menyusul sket hari nanti..can't wait for that one too..

Today Che Na' kawen kat Kulim..a big congrats sorry i can't make it..all my damn leave are frozen at the moment..
A lot of people have already asked when's my big day..
To tell you the truth..i am very very bz at the moment..
Now until April : Audit Peak Period..
April : Holiday @ Redang
May : Holiday @ Jakarta
June : ACCA June Sitting
Then after that dah bz ngan ACCA class for final papers
Then puasa..
Then Raya...
Dec : ACCA Dec Sitting
Then holiday @ Singapore..
Then Audit PEak period start balik...and judging from the time i'm spending in client's office and wisma sime darby since 2 month ago..dun think it is a good idea to be married during this time..Cause i won't be able to focus on my work..when i know my yummylicious husband will be waiting at home..Then i'll feel more depress..and rasa nak resign..but i still can't to not complicate matters..elok lah plan lepas tuh jek...
So dengan ijin Allah yg Masa Esa..My big day paling cepat pon would be after 2007's audit peak period...tapi kalau dah sampai jodoh awal..kami terima saja..peak period atau tak kan?
Saturday lepas me and Juju watched "Persona Nan Grata"..though its quite slow and draggy..i like the chemistry which i think exist between Hans and Isteri Yusry..hehehe...but Juju thought that the movie was a waste of our hard earned money..hahaha...
Time flew so fast on Sunday..rasa tak puas tgk muka Leman...
Then today dah kena keja balik...busannnn..dah la tinggal sowang..Ija ke "Down Under" and Juju ke North State..
Penat..nak balik dah kejap lagik..Have a nice day people..
March 13, 2006 Permalink Comments (0)

What a Crappy Day...
It's nearly 12am..and i've nearly work for 13 effective hours (tak termasok waktu gi kencing, makan, bermanja manja ckp tepon ngan Leman dan sebagainye..)..huhhuuuuuhhuhuhhu...uuuwwwaaa.....sedeyyyyyyy...nak balik...damn account need to be out by today..pinggang rasa nak patah...nafas sesak sesak (anxiety attack) dan mata rasa nak tido...tatau lah pukul berapa leh balik times like this (which happen pretty often especially in the peak period)..i felt like i should switch job..
What should i be..i has to :
1) Pays well (the more the better)
2) Legal (no porstitution, drug tafficking, kidnapping etc..)
3) Be able to take a break as and when i feels like
4) Be able to shop as and when i feels like
5) No overtime
6) Lots of claims
Demm....the only job that could fit my expectation is to be a rich man's wife...hahahahaha...
Neway, earlier today i was touched :
1) Cause i feel this extra rush of love towards my Leman
2) Cause my grandma cried
The story goes like this..Last and my sis and my bro went back to our home town..and my grandma joined us on Saturday..when me and my sis (my bro went back to KL earlier due to work) are getting ready to come back to KL..handshakes..hugs and kisses to our grandma..suddenly she cried...ME..BEING THE EVER DRAMAQUEEN PLUS EMOTIONAL...of cos lah kan cry jugak (I think i got this trait from my grandma lah kan) i was weeping by the time i got behind the wheel..and all the way back to KL i still feels sad (credit given to my sis yg sgt cekal hati melihat adiknye menangis..hahahha)...
So..i have asked my beloved fiance to drop by and visit my grandma if he's around the area..and today he really did when and visit her..just him alone..i just feels like hugging and kissing him over and over again..this is one of the million reasons why i love my Leman (let's not go to the reason when he can be annoying today eh? hehehe)..but Leman told me that my grandma cried when he was there (tears of joy i presumed)..she always like to have him around visiting..(boleh jadik cucu menantu feveret nih) when he told me that she cried..ME still BEING THE DRAMAQUEEN..also feels touched and wanna cry.;.but since im in office..i just hold back my tears..
In the evening..i call my grandma to check on her..and guess what,..yerp..she still cries upon hearing my voice...adeii..mencabar minda betul...kang kalau nangis kat ofis ingat aku nervous breakdown sebab kerja plak kang (has happened before in this firm..but not me la..not yet anyway)..
So.. i pujuk her sket..and then i called my parents to tell them..but me being the anak bongsu..i will always cry upon hearing my father's voice (just him saying HELLO)..IF I"M FACING SOME PROBLEM or TROUBLE..seb baik by the time my air mata berlinangan dah over office hours so dah tak byk org kat sekeliling me...heheheheh...
Now im worried about my grandma..becos being the dramaqueen herself..she never cries this much before..but im really swamp with work at the week off to seremban again..Maybe she's just lonely and misses our company kut...( NOTE : She was married at the age of 19 and become a widow at the age of 21 and never remarry again until this day !!! ) Takpe Opah..jgn "teroyak" dah..nanti lepas abes peak period ina balik okeh..
Back to work..
February 23, 2006 Permalink Comments (0)

Result exam kluar arinih..
and as expected..i failed my 3.1...hahahahaha...
tatau lah nak rase sedey ke hape?? klakar gak rasenye being an auditor and failing the audit subject.. nak dwell lame lame pon tak sempat.. cos this auditor is currently damn bz.. lagipon ape nak dwell lelame..
1) It's not the end of my world
2) I do expect to fail..hahahaha..
3) i could just retake it again this round..since im not taking any papers pon..
But the taste of failure is BITTER man.. i never tested any during my Univ time..but its not the same at all..nampak nye kena lah rajin rajin pegi klas balik...demmit..
i main concern now is that my exam date would not be clashing wif any of my close frens wedding date..hahaha...especially those outstation ones..
back to work..
February 20, 2006 Permalink Comments (2)

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