Wednesday, June 23, 2010

...either too lazy or too tired

I'm either too tired..or too lazy to update my blog..
Every day balik keja rase nak berehat jek tak nak buat apepe.. huhuhu..
I'm so missing my phase mc berehat kat umah time tuh..hehehe..
But touch wood la..takmo sakit dah.. huhuhu..

Yesterday I got a good news..
Nope..still not pregnant..not yet anyway..
hehe..owh..side note..first time period lepas operation tuh..sgt la different from before..slalu flow adelah sikit..and pakai pad slim pon boleh tahan lama..Tapi kali nih pakai slim kena tukar dalam 5-6 kali sehari..huhuhu..that's a lot! Rase macam equivalent ngan period aku 6 bulan punye..hehe..Anyone got any experience on this? memang normal begini atau patut aku pegi jumpa dr. dev balik? huhu

Back to the good news..we received the long awaited letter from HR.. I did ok.. Tapi sgt sedih sebab semua mende pon kena pro confirm date plak sgt lah frust..

Kalau la tak pro rate..saye boleh merealisasikan banyak item dalam wish list saye..Tapi sebab dah pro rate..saye amik jek wish list tuh campak dalam tong sampah je..huhuhuhhu..sedey.. With that amount, aku tak yah wish list..bayar credit card dah abes dah..hahahhaha..

Nevertheless..saye still sangat2 bersyukur..
Walaupon sedikit (ok tipu, byk sebenar nye) tak puas hati..tapi berdoa la rezeki tahun depan lebih baik..amin..At least ade lah duit lebih nak bawak shopping kat Bandung next month..hehe..

Tadik malam buat gua badan sekarang adelah macam bendera jepun zaman dulu2..huhu..nice..macam tulang rangka warna merah..and sempat la nak berangan kurus sampai nampak tulang rangka merah kat badan..haha..

Yesterday, after a longggggg break from gym, aku gagah kan la diri jugak pegi expected..pancit sebelah aku lari rilek jek..laju and lama.. aku nye speed ala-ala kadar jek..tapi dah rase cam nak tercampak ke brisk walk jek la atas mesin tuh..

And after half hour..peloh pon bole lap ngan tisu jek (betapa sikit nye)..aku kuar gym pegi kedai depan gym.. THAI AROMATHERAPY MASSAGE.. ahahahahha..and got myself a thai traditional massage for one hour..melampau tak? hahahha..oh I miss Phuket..kalau la tak pro rate..tetiap bulan bole pegi phuket ok..hehe..(berangan mesti lebih)..

Tah bile la nak update lagik. Malas gile ok.
Anniversary is just around the corner.
Husband, please tell me you nak ape? huhuhuh..
I gave him the choice of bola boling, jersi lampard or psp..and he answer tak best for all ape aku nak bagi nih? ke husband nak ciuman jek? Tuh tak yah tunggu anniversary kan hari2 honey bagi..hehe

Can't wait for a vacation..I'm exhausted!
Chehh..aku baru keja balik 2 minggu jek kan..hahahhaha..
Drama mesti lebih..

Have a nice weekend ahead peeps..

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