"Alahai..dah nak raye dah nih.. mesti stress nanti orang2 tanye kitaorg takde baby lagik mak"
So ibu mertua ku pon tanye la.. "sape yang tanye2?"
And I replied.. "Semua orang mak" .. side ina pon same.. side angah pon same.. huhuhu.."
But both my FIL and MIL just assured me..
MIL: "Alaa..rilek jek..buat ape nak stress2.. orang memang camtuh..suka tanye2.. ina buat rilek jek.."
and FIL tambah: "Haah..and no need to feel stress.. Along has broken whatever stress record for you guys..hehehhe"..
Oh..thank you mummy and daddy in law.. and thank you sister in law for having 3 wonderful babies for the family.. hehehehhe..
I'm so lucky to have such understanding in laws.. cause I've heard some stories from frens about in laws yg horror.. yang siap nak bawak menantu gi jumpa bomoh bagai.. padahal tak pegi pon lagik medical check up..and orang tuh baru kawen setahun setengah.. astagfirullah..yang mulut laser2 kau toksah cerita lah kan..konferm banyak punye,,
What kind of mentality lah nih.. orang2 macam aku nih dah cukup stress dah tak payah nak tambah stress..
Tapi lepas buat operation hari tuh..kitaorg takde la stress pon.. For the time being, we thank Allah for whatever we have in our lives, including our heatlh, work, belongings, cats and most importantly each other. And we totally enjoy doing things like any other couples.. travelling, movies, sleep and wake up late etc..
Harap2 di percepatkan lah rezeki kami.. sebelom kami mula stress..hehehehe..aminn...
PS: Untuk kawan2 senasib..jangan stress stress ye.. tingkat kan usaha anda.. chaiyok chaiyok..hehehe..Tapi walaupon aku tak stress sekarang, nanti time raye mesti punye aku stress..sebab environment sekeliling akan buat aku stress..so kena prepare dari sekarang untuk kuatkan hati yg kristal ini.. huhu..
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