I've seen one too many friends and stories about how gungho and stressful mothers are over their breastfeeding. Some are bless with bottles after bottles of expressed milk (those lucky eejits! Hehe). Some not so much.
So after my delivery, true to my words, i was so zen over the subject.
When people asked me,
"Susu dah ade?"
I would calmly answer "Belom. Biasa la kawan2 i kata selalu hari ke-3 baru keluar"
But then day 4 came. And still NO MiLK!!!
I was desperate by then.
Because my boobies look as big as a korean melon. (Make that 2)
It felt HUGE.. I'm sure their are even bigger than my newborn's head.. Huhuhu..
And the worse thing is..
Still no milk!
In my attemt to stay true to my words utk tanak stress about this topic, i purposely did not do any read up on the subject. Pandaiiii sangat kan.. Hahahah
I was assuming..
Breastfeed = sumbat jek teteks dlm mulut baby and the baby will know what to do. hahaha.
Soooooo soooo stupid and naive me.
To make matter worse, my baby is down 2 floors below sleeping soundly in the incubator and kenyang minum susu lembu (bless em cows :))
I was desperately asking for a lactation consultant or whatever they are call, but all the nurses seem blur. And takde sorang pon nak tolong iols. Sob sob sob.
Ok takpe. Jangan panik.
Iols bawak kuar pump manual Avent (konon2 tanak beli Medela dulu sbb nak test dulu. Hahaha)
Bertemankan Leman as my lactation consultant.
Me: Husband. Camaner nak guna mende alah ni? Boleh tak kita test kat tetek husband dulu?
Leman: Eeehhhhh ape plak tetek i. Test je la terus kat tetek you.
Me: i is scareddddd T_____T
So lepas beberapa kali cuba and admit defeat, aku mintak Leman pi carik Medela (i chosed Swing je).
Mase cousin aku dtg visit, she actually taught me how to correctly use the Avent. But i just didn't have it in me to compressed my own boobs. Hahaha.
Bloody hard! Harder than amik lesen kereta. Huhu.
At least with the electric, geli ke sakit ke, i just have to endure.
First few tries, only droplets of milk comes out.
And my boobs were still very much engorged. Cryyyyy.
Seb baik Leman puasa kalau tak nak jek aku mintak tolong dia. Hahaha.
Mase tu ape je yg aku tak cuba.
Sikat. Yes, you heard right. Desperate times require desperate measures youols. And no, it don't bloody work. Uhuhuhu. Trauma tetek mak kena sikat youols. Kalau dia ade tangan dah lama dah iols kena lempang. Huhuhuh.
Lobak putih. Done.
Teknik urutan. Done.
Hot compress. Done.
Pendek kata apa saja orang rekomen iols cuba.
Sedih jek hantar EBM turun kat Ibrahim maybe dapat la 10 titik kot. 20 titik on a good day. But syukur nevertheless with that rezeki.
Masuk hari ke 6, baby Ibrahim ade tanda2 mcm nak kuning. Lagik la akak stress ngan production yg seciput itu. But i persevere. Walaupon pump 20 minit dpt 20 titik jek, jadik la daripada tak ade kan. (Plus akak dah abes beratus ni beli pump jah. Hehe)
Seb baik despite the very low production, baby Ibrahim jaundice subsided and tak payah phototherapy pon.
Syukur alhamdulillah by day 8, doctor kasik green light utk direct feeding. And my baby ibrahim latched on like a champ.
Now nearly 2 months later, I still BF my baby walaupon production still low.
Please don't lecture me about demand and supply.
I've been BF baby Ibrahim once every 2-3 hours, and in between that still pump wherever possible, but still tak cukup jugak.
How do i know tak cukup?
Sebab setelah menetek hampir 1 jam, baby still nanges lapar.
So sebab i promised myself earlier that i would not stress myself out over the matter, i will top up with formula milk.
Personally, i did not regret my decision. My priority is to have a happy healthy baby. Not hungry crying baby. And sometimes, formula feeding works to our advantage especially bila kat luar umah. :)
And yes. I am already taking Shaklee breastfeeding set so please save me the promotion ok.
Even though baby Ibrahim is not exclusively BF, we feel so blessed he is healthy and gaining weight steadily. 2 kilo plus after 2 months is an achievement, no?
Well done Ibrahim, mummy and lembu.
Hahahahahaha babe.. U aaaaaah! Gelak nangis i bace belog u. Iols penah baca belog dr halina, dia minum horlicks.. Pehtu macam magic sangat. Itupon klu u lalu nak minum la. Ekekekeke.
Hehehe. Tak klakar babe. Trauma tetek i asek kena picit ngan nurses. Hahaha. Horlicks pon i dah try sama je production level.
Hehehe. Tak klakar babe. Trauma tetek i asek kena picit ngan nurses. Hahaha. Horlicks pon i dah try sama je production level.
hai ina, aku pon mcm ang gak. yg penting bg je. sib baik anak org suke je walopon sket. org x guna pon pump. wat penat basuh je. dah la melekat sana sini. membazir. org perah guna tangan je direct ke botol. dpt la dlm 2-3 aunz. boleh la dari x de. ni dah 10 bulan, mcm nak kurang je. huhuhu. sian kat anak la. sebab dia suke je minum susu org nih, tp susunye dah x banyak. boh la gambo ibrahim lagi. nak tgk.
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