Monday, January 23, 2012

Bali 2011: Day 3 - Peaceful Ubud

On Day 3..
We checked out of Tune Hotel Kuta in the morning..

For the next 4 days we will be in Ubud instead..

Journey from Kuta to Ubud lebih kurang dalam sejam setengah..
Along the way, we stopped at Galuh for some (MORE) shopping.. hehe..

 Ayong and Ayunie at Galuh. Galuh ni kedai yg jual mcm2 la.. kain kebaya.. kain batik.. batik.. macam macam la lagik.. Since dia along the way, tak rugi pon singgah kan..

 The girls with Jony, our assigned driver since day 1.. Jony nih sempoi gile.. Budak kecik yg asek kena buli ngan Nyah (nama manja Ayunie).. hahaha..

We're only going to check in at Tegal Sari Ubud later our next stop is Kintamani..

But along the way we stopped at TampakSiring..
TampakSiring nih tempat holy water temple diorang..
First time datang pegi la tgk jugak kat tempat diorang mandi manda tuh..
2nd time dtg ngan kawan2 siap upah tour guide bawak pusing2 satu temple..
3rd and 4th time datang terus turun kereta menuju ke tempat shopping terus.. hahahhaha

And believe me when i said most of us (only excluding Leman)..
Bargaining and shopping macam orang gile.. hehehhe..
This is my most favorite shopping place kat Bali.. (for cheap craft.. accessories..)
My advice is.. anything you find that you like here.. or anything at all that you feel like you want to buy..
MAKE SURE you buy..
You wont get any cheaper price elsewhere..
But wajib bargain ok..
Kalau satu kedai tanak kasik.. ko jalan ke buat2 tak interested walaupon hati meronta2 kata mauuuuu.. hahahaha..

Hampir komferm acik acik tuh panggil ko balik.. (kalau dia tak panggil balik tuh makna nya memang price ko tak masuk akal dan boleh membuatkan kedai dia lingkup kalau dapat 10 orang pelanggan macam ko.. hehehe)

Lagi satu tips.. katakan la ko dah cuba gak haggle.. tak dapat or dapat harga yg nak.. Jgn beli banyak2 terus.. hampir konferm jugak kedai sebelah2 tu terus turun kan lagik harga bila ko lalu sambil bawak plastic tayang2 barang belian ko tadik..takyah tawar2 pon terus kedai sebelah2 tu letak harga murah punye.. :)

We spent quite a time (and money) here.. walaupon perut dah berlagu kelaparan. power of shopping mengatasi segalanya.. hehe..

After that, we continue our journey to Kintamani.. Dah tak jauh dalam setengah jam macam tuh..

Kintamani is an absolute must visit when you come to Bali..
The view of Mount Batur is worth the trip.. We always went to this same restaurant everytime we're here..
Tapi kali nih pegi cuaca extra sejuk maybe sebab ujan sikit..

Food is is buffet style at Rp70,000 per pax.. Okla.. Not really worth the value but the view and surrounding more than made up for it..

Actually, 4th time is a bit too much la.. hahahah..
But since this is the first time for Nyah in Bali, we can't possibly not bring her here kan.. hehe.. 
 Weols duduk betul2 mengadap view.. cuaca sejuk and nyaman.. so nice..

 View is the same.. Size badan is the difference!! sob..sob.. Terus rase nak berlari setempat 200 kali..huhu..

And teringat Molten Chocolate Cake Chili's tadik.. lari setempat pon tak cukup.. Kena tambah tekan tubi jugak 200 kali.. huhu..

 Since this is our fourth visit to Bali.. serious sangat la tak heran nya nak amik gambar.. hahaha.. sekor2 semua pemalas.. yg tukang bawak kamera pon malas.. tukang posing pon malas.. huhuhu..

 So sebab nak bagik gambar nampak banyak. mari lah kita pusing2 tukar pose kat tempat yg sama.. hahaha..

After Kintamani.. weols stopped by kedai2 jual buah2an.. again.. sila tawar menawar.. akak nih memang peminat buah2an.. kalau org lain maybe tak heran kot lalu gerai2 jual buah takde rase teringin nak berenti kan..

Lepas beli buah2an.. kitaorg singgah plak ladang kopi..
Selalu ladang2 nih akan hidang kan ko sample2 kopi/koko/teh..
Kalau tak malu sila lah mintak nak tambah (macam aku.. hahahha).. sebab kata nye sample.. harus la cawan pon saiz kecik kan.. nak banyak2 pegi la beli sendirik kat Starbucks nanti..

Lepas dah sample2.. sebelom kuar boleh la singgah kalau nak beli kopi/koko/teh tuh..
But it's a bit on a higher side..
Sebab tu selalunye aku tak beli.. tapi harituh macam terbeli plak.. sampai 2 bungkus plak tuh..
This (ex) accountant must have left her calculator at home la that day.. hahahha..
Bila balik tgk and kira2 balik.. sungguh la mahal pehtu agak menyesal apesal la aku ter-beli tadi.. hehehhe..

Balik tu terus checked in Tegal Sari @ Ubud.. (google la sendirik yek)..

I'll provide the review in my Day 4 review.. sebab day 4 sangat la suka hati tak pegi mana2 sgt pon.. hehehe..

Happy Dragon Year people! 

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