Saturday, July 07, 2012

Lucky number 5!

i'm blogging from Seri Pacific.

We celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary today.
How time flies when you're having fun most of the time.

Ikut plan asal, pagi nih nak pegi jogging kat KLCC park dulu.
Kawan2 rapat yg mengenali diri ini daripada hari jumaat dah siap gelakkan..
pffttt.. Such confident right? Hehe

We did 'consider' jogging..
Tapi takut tak sempat catch our pre-book movie at 11 am..
So we decided not to :p

Pack our things and off we went to KLCC.
First time sejak keja kat KLCC since 3 years ago aku jejak kaki kat sini pagi2 sepiee nih..
And i wish i had done it earlier.
So beautiful and peaceful awal2 pagi kan. Hehe..

We had breakfast at Chinoz on the Park..
Sambil layan beautiful park and city view.
By the time abes makan, orang pon dah ramai sesak pale otakku.

Just in time for our early bird movie.
It's either Brave or Spidey.
Since tak rase nak ulang tgk Spidey walaupon dah tukar pelakon.. We chosed Brave..
Seb baik la all the kids dlm tu so well behave..

Lepas tu sempat tershopping sikit sementara nak tunggu check in time.

We made our way to Seri Pacific.

One of my fren remarked, "ko nak buat ape pegi hotel tempat orang persidangan umno tu?"

Hahahha,. Seb baik la minggu nih takde persidangan umno youols..
Nak buat macam mana.. Ini jek yg within budget..
Kang sejarah berulang kembali kang dok Tune Hotel Kota Damansara. Hehehe

We have a superb lunch kat foodcourt the Mall..
Sedapppppp nak mampos! And it cost us 20 hengget jek.

Then balik berehat kat hotel jek.
Rugi la dah bayar bilik mahal2 kan..
Actually i have lower my expectation sejak Leman cakap..
"ohhh.. Dulu kite kecik2 selalu duduk hotel tuh!"

Sekarang Leman dah besar gajah kot..
So aku imagine confirm la hotel tuh dah run down. Huhhuhu..
But diorang dah renovate bilik.. So agak cantik and selesa la jugak..

Malam tadik plak we have dinner at Colleseum.
The best sizzling steak in town!
Lepas nih aku takmo makan steak dah sampai tahun depan. Huhuhu..

Some of my friend agak pelik ngan kitaorg yg suka dok hotel tgh pekan.
Padahal umah sendirik sekangkang kera jek kan.. Hehehe..

But i told them time and again.
Sekali sekala sila lah cuba.
The feeling is not the same..

Walaupon umah dekat..
Tapi sebab dok hotel rase mcm on holiday.
And sangatttttt la rilex nye..
Hanya berehat, bersuka ria, makan dan tido..
Leman bawak laptop pon hanya untuk main Game.
Kadang2 kitaorg siap bawak dvd player sekali. Hehe..

And although you may seem as membazir..
I don't do it every other week pon..
Kalau dah kaya esok why not kan? Heheheh..
For the mean time, we only do it kalau ade special occasion jek..

On a different note..
After celebrating our 3rd anniversary.. Aku dah agak panic sebab belom pregnant2 lagi..
However, few days before we celebrate our 5th anniversary..
We take a step back and reflect..
How lucky we are to be given an extended honeymoon..
And that exactly how it feels like.. An extended honeymoon..

So from now on.. I'm gonna start counting my blessing..
Focus on all the good things that we have.
Bukan bererti berenti berusaha..
But to appreciate our current life more.

Appreciate all the time we have for each other..
Appreciate all the 8 hours sleep.. (kalau tak cukup 8 hours pon sebab salah sendirik sebuk main game ke ape ke kan)
Appreciate all the holidays and honeymoon..
Appreciate all the love that we share between us..
Appreciate our own free time to do whatever we like..
And most of all.. Appreciate each other..

In a way, taking longer than ideal time to have kids have bring our marriage so much stronger than ever..

At times, i still get all the horror stories about husbands taking another wife for wanting a child of their own..(insensitive eejits!)
But i've seen soooo many cases whereby happily married men with children still stray.. So i personally thinks that every woman are exposed to this risk..not just those without children :p

To Mr Husband..
I love you with all my heart and soul..
Not a day gone by that I haven't thank Allah for giving me such a wonderful husband.
We do have our ups and downs.. But as of now I believe we're good right ;)
Happy 5th Anniversary. May many many many more to come insyallah.


DOT's Huasband said...

Dear My Beloved Wife..

I love you soooo much....(how much you want to know?) Of course macam nombor lapan yang tengah baring) it? Infiniti my love..hehe

Not a day pass by i did not love you and i will always do...

its been an awesome 5 year and its been legen (wait for it) dary...

Happy anniversary sayang..

cant wait to celebrate our next, next, next, next....... anniversary.


tim-mystic-crafts said... sweet la korunk nih!!! Iollz doakan uollz berbahagia selalu dunia akhirat ya cik dot & leman..cherish the love!

dieya said...

happy anniversary ina & leman!
rasa mcm baru je tgk korg bercinta.. then gi wedding korang.. 5 strong years already!
wishing for many more happy years for you both!

dot said...

Husband. I'm in love. Xoxo

Tim: Thank you :)

Dieya: Aku pon rase mcm baru jek bercinta. But sedar tak sedar it has been 14 years. Kalau ade anak dah masuk tingkatan satu dah kan. Hehe. Anyway, thank you Dieya. *Hugs*

The-pinkpeppermint said...

I nih tak penah lagi makan kat Colleseum tuh. Nak pegi lah nnt. Parking senang tak? Hahahahaa

dot said...

sash. Pegi naik lrt. Dah kenyang kebuntat harus lah balik naik teksi. Hehe. Tapi pagi tadi my officemate kata tak halal. Ade taruk wine. Kah kah kah. Selamat dah ku telan. Tapi i tgk dia masak semalam, takde plak nampak taruk wine.w Wauallaualam.