Our original plan to go to London was supposed to be on the 17th October 2014.
Patut nya flight pukul 330 pagi Jumaat tuh.
Tapi 5 hari sebelom flying day, Ibrahim demam.
Memula sikit pehtu demam panas + batuk teruk.
Sampai la lagi sehari nak fly pon tak sihat lagi.
So kitaorg pon tak berani la nak redah jugak bawak dia gi London kan.
Kang kalau apape lagik susah nak carik sepital segala.
So instead of London, the night we're supposed to fly, the 3 of us checked-in at Prince Court Medical Centre. Huhu. Kesian anak Aaim iols.
Mak dia pon kesian jugak. Bukan la pasal hadap sangat nak gi holiday, tapi sebab pening tak sure macam mana nak proceed. This trip was not only London but Europe too. So planning adelah berangkai. Gigil lutut memikirkan damage yg bakal di hadapi. Hahahha.
Tapi of cos la anak lebih penting kan.. And nasib baik jugak Allah tolong. Hari Sabtu tu nampak dia dah better, so we only need to pay the extra charge utk tukar flight tickets + burnt 3 nights accomodation at London. Better than burnt the whole thing kan.
So Ibrahim checked-out from PCMC on Saturday, and we fly on Monday morning pukul 330 am.
Episode 2: The Journey
During the entire time, our concern and focus was on Ibrahim, sebab dia baruuuu jek baik demam and kuar sepital. Ubat2an dia adalah satu pharmacy weols bawak. Hehe..
When we planned for this trip many2 months ago, kitaorg mmg dah anticipate travelling with a toddler kan. But 2 months before the journey, we got another good surprise. Our second baby is on the way.. Hehehe..
Mula2 tu aku risau gak, sebab memikirkan boleh ke ni nak travel dengan toddler on top of me being pregnant kan. Tapi leman kata bisa di atur, so that settle that. 2 days before flying, kitaorg pegi jumpa gynae to make sure everything is okay and I'm good to travel.
My doctor give me his green light, dengan satu pesanan saja..
"Go and have a good time"
Saya yg menurut perintah doctor! Hehe
So imagine our horror, when (seconds after) we landed at Hammad International Airport, Doha, for our transit flight to London, I felt a gushed of "something" down there. Mase tu belom turun kapal terbang pon lagi. And it was one of the smoothest airplane journey ever. No air turbulance. No rough landing.
I told Leman, "Sayang, I rasa macam period lah! Tapi takkan la period plak, kan pregnant nih. Ke I terkencing? Huhu"
Bila turun plane, Leman intai kat belakang mmg nampak darah. Huhuhu.
So masuk je dalam airport terus aku pegi check. Memang bleeding (macam period).
Masa tu blank skejap and I try my best not to panic. But it was not an easy task. Ni bukan spotting sikit2, nih betul2 punya bleeding ok. Masa pregnant Ibrahim yg complicated tu pon tak pernah dapat bleeding macam nih.. Huhuhu.
Memula ingat nak gi carik clinic tap connecting flight dah panggil. I called my doctor in Malaysia tapi dia takde clinic plak hari tuh, but the nurse advice kalau fresh blood jgn tunggu2, terus je pegi sepital.
Masa tu hanya mampu bertawakal jek.
And we decided to continue our connecting flight to London, nanti sampai sana baru carik sepital.
So during the Doha-London flight pon still bleeding lagik. Hati cuak gundah gulana Allah je yg tahu. Huhu
We already booked a private transfer to our accomodation kat area Westbourne Garden. This is the first time kitaorg try out Airbnb. Not bad, but the good old me still prefers a hotel (with all the service it brings, i.e. 24 hours reception, room service etc)
Sampai je apartment letak luggage bags, terus kitaorg amik cab pegi University College Hospital.
Episode 3: Our 1st London Landmark: The Hospital
We're also lucky that our Airbnb host recommend kawan dia, doctor pakar senior kat A&E (accident & Emergency) hospital tu. Dia dah tolong call kawan dia, and he's expecting us. Baik sangat doctor tu. And banyak sangat tolong/ cuba tolong.
Tapi system diaorang lain sikit daripada kita. Bila pegi A&E, dia akan screen each cases ikut severity. Cases macam aku ni, dia tak consider emergency, tapi ada unit lain yg handle diorang panggil Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU). Masalah nya, masa kitaorg sampai, EPU ni dah tutup.
To cut a long story short, after 3 and a half hour, I still didnt get to see a gynae, let alone have scan to see whether my baby is okay.
What i had tho was a blood pressure test, urine test, cubaan untuk amik darah sebanyak 3 kali.. and each procedures reequires me to be pass from one system to another. The word stress was understated mase nih.
Lepas tu aku pon give up sebab kesian kat Ibrahim yg tgh tunggu kat luar, plus kitaorg yg dah jetlag bigtime after our 16 hours journey. Huhuhu. So I self-disharged myself. But the doctor yg kawan host aku tu sgt baik, dia tolong buatkan surat utk aku datang balik esok nya, to be speed up to EPU.
Mase nih aku rasa syukur sgt aku dok Malaysia, where medical help are aplenty, not to mentioned good medical coverage by my employer. But one good thing kat sini is hospital ni semua free. Kira macam aku pegi sepital Selayang la kaedah nya. Tapi hospital diorang cantik la, walaupon Government owned kan.
Alhamdulillah, everything looks good. Dia kata maybe sbb flying. But flying cannot cause a miscarriage (if a miscarriage is meant to happen, flying or not, it will happen. Camtu la dia kata, which I also read before)
So doctor jugak bagi green light untuk teruskan travel plan kitaorg ke Europe, next day nya.
Kuar je daripada sepital tu, kitaorg tahan taxi and terus pegi Oxford Street. Hehe.
Let the holiday begins..
PS: We didnt get to explore London at all (except for Oxford Street). Takpe lah, ada rezeki kita datang lagi insyaAllah. Yang penting kitaorg semua sihat alhamdulillah :)
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