Monday, March 08, 2004

2 in 1


alamak.. aper aku buat arinih ek?? macam dah luper jek.. jap..flash back..flash back..owhh.. ingat sket sket.. me and crash went out to sunway at 4++.. plus traffic plus jem plus ramai giler org kat sunway sampai nak parking pon susah.. at about 6 pm jugaklah baru lunch...or isit suppose to be dinner? at pizza hut.. lepas makan macam nak buntat.. gi beli tiket wayang.. "SOMETHING GOTTA GIVE" .. movie at 9.. so rayau rayau dulu... and.. guess what.. mase rayau rayau tuh cam sempat shopping agik.. hehehe.. actually nak beli satu baju jek.. becos today i wore a very very low cut jeans.. which keeps sliding lower and lower everytime i walk.. and i pair it wif a baju yg NOT very low...and this particular baju keep sliding up and up while my jeans keep sliding down and down.. and ME.. hafta keep pulling my jeans UP..and my baju DOWN.. pweeww.. a very very bad combination.. sampai crash pon dah bising pasal seksi sgt and keep reminding me to tarik my jeans and baju (since i gave up pulling on my clothing after sometime >:) ) .. so the best solution is.. TO BUY A NEW BAJU... hehehe.. i can haf hundred and twenty five excuses when it comes to shopping.. then i stopped at message..wif the original motive nak buy ONE shirt.. but in the end.. i bought.. 2 NEW JEANS (belang belang very the beautiful..i like..).. A NEW SHIRT (which i wore on the spot) ..and A NEW DRESS (sgt cantekkk)...hahahaha... syok btol menghabiskan duit.. so problem pon setel since the shirt quite labuh.. owhh.. and i also bought another pair of shoes at NOSE.. giler ahh.. i dun think i can never had enuf shoes to make me stop buying them..huhuhu.. then gi tgk movie.. sgt klakar.. then balik cyberia.. singgah puchong tapau berger 2.. then lepas dropping me off at cyber..crash continue his journey home.. the end of my version of a perfect date..hehehhe...


Today pepagi agik dah bgn..sbb nak gi wedding kak sharina ngan pa'e.. omigod... jauhhhhhhnyerrrr... from this hulu (cyberjaya) to another hulu (K. Slgr).. huhuhu.. i felt like... umm.. forever...sempat sesat sesat agik ... heheh.. tuh pon naseb baik sesat.. since my lovely sist pon blom sampai kat saner.. ciss... buleh ka dier pi menengok kelip kelip.. then mase i arrived... tak kenal sesape... sejibik cam org bangang...huhuh.. rase nak nangis and nak balik jek time tuh.. then naseb baik kak aisyah jadik saviour.. hehehe.. kesian kat crash thou.. kene pi makan sowang sowang.. hehehe... thanks huney for being so kind and understanding.. then dot pi duduk kat table.. jumpe kak wynn ngan ayin (so cute).. and kak baby too (look beautiful as ever..and cam dah kurus sket..demm.. jeles nye aku :)) .. then cam tak jadik makan..and decide to wait for ayong dlm bilik pengantin..hehhe.. the bride is so very beautiful.. di tambah dgn seri pengantin nih kut..hhehe.. i really like her make up.. maybe can haf the same makeup artist when my time come.. hehhe.. maybe... then akhirnye ayong smp.. makan.. sempat tgk bride and groom mase groom smp kat gate...hehhe.. then i went home.. well..not actually home.. singgah OU skejap.. well not exactly skejap.. but till 9 pm..heheh.. at first tujuan nak gi situh becos crash nak belikan handbag guess satu..for aniversary (bulan 4 but then skrg tgh sale maa... heheheh) .. but setelah berhempas pulas carik kedai guess tuh.. macam nak tercabut kaki.. biler dah sampai.. aku tatau nak choose plak.. ishkkk..baka dot baka... dah lah siap ader org nak bayarkan.. aku leh taknak plak.. dunno la what was i thinking at dat time..huhu.. but seriyes ly,. cam semue tak berkenan..ader satu berkenan.. tapi rase cam lydia (bro's gf) punyer jek.. then went to TopShop.. carik satu handbag which i saw at TopShop london.. tapi tak jumpe.. baka again tak beli kat saner... so tak belilah handbag today.. truth is..i dun even know i nak handbag ke tak...huhuh.. since i have so many alredi.. (handbag i tak giler sgt macam shoes).. so utk mengubat kekecewaan.. i bought myself 2 new baju... heheheh.. suke suke... this week kene diet lah nampak nye.. biler lapa jek tgk lah semue baju, kasut, dress and jeans.. hahaha.. probably need to diet anyway... semue my frens yg nak gi incubus tgh sibuk diet skrg..demmm... but i am ALWAYS HUNGRY... kwang kwang kwang... tgk wayang agik arinih.. citer THE MISSING.. i like dis kind of story... a lil' bit depressing thou,.. and crash's comment on the movie was ".. bolehlah.. lembab sangat.." hahahha.. diff org diff taste maa... balik cyber sampai kul 10 camtuh.. dah rase nak demam plak.. so i pop a panadol.. and drift off to sleep.. until Ratna wake me up at 11.. nak gi A&W subang (24 hours).. celebrate besday Fatih.. so i nih tgh tgh mimpi..trus bgn bersiap.. pening pening lalat sket.. and now after 1 root beer float.. i coneydog and sesudu kek (tader mood plak nak makan kek malam nih)... here i am.. sitting in front of aisya kecik nye pc.. ready nak tertido atas keybod..huhuh.. goodnite world..

to K. SHARINA & PA'E: Slamat pengantin baru.. semoge berbahagie always and forever...
to FATIH: Happy birthday.. and smoge panjang umur and murah rezki..
to TIPAH and RATNA: Happy buat esemen and buat mid term...hahahahah... >:) blaja weih..blaja..jgn malas malas..
to LEMAN: last but not least.. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.. thanks for everything... thanks for sharing your life wif me.. and sharing my life wif you... CRASH AND BURN FOREVER !!!

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