Friday, October 21, 2011

Mr & Mrs Mann's Bulan Madu 2011 starting soon

In a few hours time, insyaallah we'll be up in the sky.. hehe..
Sipping our margaritas and virgin mary..
Ye sgt la tu.. kang kena sambar kilat tak pasal jek kan. hehehe..
Minum air kosong yg over charge tu sajek..
Sebab tak berjaya dapat upgrade..
Takmo kawan ngan optiontown tuh..
Lagik 5 hari baru dia pulangkan duit hopefully..
Sebab ade review dlm internet ckp lambat dpt duit..
Well, that's the risk I've considered when i accept they offer kan..
On a bright side..
Boleh menarik nafas legaaaaaaaa.....
It's been a hectic few weeks for me..
Gila2 busy sampai weekend pon buat keja kat umah..
And those who know me, will know that this is definitely not my style..
Even mase kat PwC pon i very rarely work weekend.. huhu..
But evertheless, my penat lelah is paid off..
Managed to settle ALMOST all assignments..
And thanking Allah for such sporting and understanding boss..
Enough about work..
I'm waiting for hubs to pick me up anytime now..
We need to go back home first to change and pick up our bags and pelok Hiro and the geng sampai penyet..
Gosh.. i miss them already.. especially si gemok yg takleh berlekang ngan mummy dia..
Semalam mase kemas bag pon..
Unlike his daddy yg busy main game kat depan.. dia ade duduk sebelah mummy teman mummy kemas bag..
Sambil buat muka kesian nak kena tinggal ngan maid 9 hari.. hehehehe.. ciann Hiro..
First time i travel yg rase macam tak ready..
Padahal tiket dah beli berbulan2 lama..
Tapi rase macam kelam kabut jek nak fly malam nih..
And gabra jek.. sebab tak prepare kot..
Tapi mengenang honeymoon kat Taiwan yg kitaorg tak reti bahasa tuh pon boleh idop..
so insyallah la Perth pon boleh kan..
After such hectic weeks.. I won't be surprise if besok sampai2 jek kitaorg hibernate dalam hotel room jek.. huhuhu..
Ok peeps.. See you from Down Under..

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