Thursday, December 27, 2012

Europe 2012: Disneyland Paris

Day 9 & 11

We arrived from Marco Polo Int Airport Venice to Charles De Gaulle Int Airport (CDG), Paris at about 4 pm..
Naseb baik tak kena extra luggage charge sebab 2 luggage bags yg silver tu jek dah 40.9 kg..
Kalau 41 kg confirm kena punye.. Hehe.. 

(Note: Easyjet sgt strict on their luggage allocation. Please pre-book. If you are kaki shopping like me or do not know how to travel light (also like me :P), beli lah 20 kg sorang minimum)

Sampai2 jek CDG, terus carik terminal utk boarding VEA bus to Disneyland.
Kitaorg mmg dah book in advance pon tiket bas kitaorg.
Sangat2 convenient.. EUR34.2 for 2 person..

 We chosed The Disney Cheyenne Hotel (2 star).. It's either this or Disney Santa Fe Hotel yg within budget kitaorg.. Kalau bajet besar harus duduk hotel disney yg depan pintu masuk tu kan.. 

Tapi walaupon 2 star, masuk2 jek bilik kat TV dah ade personalized welcoming note.. great service!

 Ni la Disney Cheyenne Hotel.. It's cowboy team.. yee hawww..

 Beautiful autumn.. 

Actually we've been to Disney Hotel Cheyenne in November 2004 (8 years ago) with Leman's family (Thank you Daddy. hehe)..

Believe it or not, it was still exactly as it was 8 years ago.. Cuma cadar dah agak lusuh.. lain semua as good as I remembered back then..

We got a really good buy with Disneyland website sempena Disney Paris Anniversary yg ke 20 tahun..
So amik package 5 Hari 4 malam room with breakfast, plus 2 parks (Disney Park and Walt Disney Studio) tickets entrance for 5 days..  

And when you stayed with any Disney hotel, you will get an extra magic hours for entrance. from 8 am - 10 am.. Untuk rakyat jelata yg lain, park bukak pukul 10 am..

But since kitaorg ade access utk 5 hari.. kitaorg tak kuasa pon bangun awal pegi masuk magic hour kan.. Hehehe..

We actually only spent one day in Disneyland Park and one day in Walt Disney Studio.. Hari first tu sampai pon dah petang so hanya pegi jalan2 kat Disney Village jek.. One of that 5 days kitaorg pegi day trip to Paris City and hari check out tuh harus pepagi dah gerak balik Paris City balik..

I would recommend you to at least budget 1 day for each park.. so boleh la relax2 and tak kelam kabut..
Enjoy the pictures below..

 Disneyland Park.. START..

 Pegi Disneyland berbungkus2.. Sejuk weih..

 At the background is Disneyland Hotel yg 5 star punye.. Besok2 kita kaya kita datang dok sini plak  ye.. Hehehhe..

 5 days entry for 2 park..

 Ni harga tickets kalau korang beli on its own.. Kalau 5 days access mcm kitaorg nih pon dah EUR218 sorang.. So memang la berbaloi baloi package kitaorg tuh.. :)

 Masuk2 jek terus carik kedai dulu.. Hahahaha,. Iols kalau masuk park2 nih terus 30 going on 3 terus! Hahahaha.. Kalau budak 3 tahun.. Semua iols nak beli.. :P

 Ade 5 park dalam Disneyland.. First we went to Adventureland..

 Mase ni baru lepas kuar toilet.. Sanggup tuh berposing tak pakai jacket walaupon mase nih tangan dah nak biru.. Hahahah..

 Dalam nih nan ado la makanan yg halal.. So next best choice would be seafood.. sedap gila kot fish and chips dia.. Lagik 2 hari datang nak mengulang makan kedai tutup.. Kempunan terus.. Huhuhu..

 One of my favorite ride.. It's a Small World.. (yup, like i said, mengalahkan budak umur 3 tahun :P)

 Soooo nice..

Sepanjang masuk dedua park nih.. Memang jgn harap la iols nak naik any roller coaster or anything yg boleh membuat iols dapat mini stroke lagik kan.. Kang tak pasal jek.. Huhuhuh... So kalau Leman nak naik iols offer tunggu kat bawah tolong pegang beg.. Hehehe..

 Disney Christmas Parade

 Dah penat jalan2 sukat Disneyland Park.. Iols rase nak shopping plak.. So postpone dulu land.. and straight pegi La Vallee Village..

La Vallee Village nih one train stop from Marne La Vallee (Disneyland stop).. This stop is called Val D'Europe..

But personally Iols prefer shopping kat Italy lagik.. Iols rase tak best mana pon La Valle Village nih tapi ramai gak orang kat sini.. Maybe mase nih duit iols pon dah tak banyak kot.. Sebab tu rase cam tak best jek..Hehehe.. 

 Tak best tak best pon 2 beg plastic besar jugak terpaksa Leman kandor.. hahahaha..

 Malam tu ingat nak tengok Disney Dreams (Disneyland Park Closing show).. Tapi sebab energy dah low gile.. Kitaorg tapau dinner and balik lepak kat bilik jek..

 Cowboy theme room..

Second day kat Disneyland tu kitaorg tak masuk park pon.. Lepas breakfast kitaorg pegi Paris City..

 Cantik kan for a 2 star hotel.. Memang highly recomended.. The room comes with 1 double bed and 1 bunk bed.. So kalau ko ade anak 2 memang just nice la.. Dengan kadar berat badan yg terlebih macam sekarang, iols tak berani pon panjat bunk bed katil atas tuh.. Kang runtuh kang tak pasal jek youols.. Huhu..

 Day 3.. Today we entered Walt Disney Studios..

 kat belakang tu Hollywood Tower of Terror.. Leman naik sensorang jek.. 

 Hari nih memang extra sejuk daripada hari2 yg lepas.. Memang rase nak jalan bawak comforter jek.. Sejukkkkk...

 Motor Stunt Show.. Best..

Mase tgh tunggu show start.. Depan kitaorg ade couple mat salleh with their 2 kids.. Sekali mase nak duduk tuh.. anak mat salleh tuh tergelincir tertumus muka dulu.. Ouchhhhh.. Menitik2 darah dah la depan kitaorg jek.. Nyaris aku yg tak pengsan sama.. Huhuhu.. Kesian gak la tgk budak tuh.. Lepas tu baru Disney Management letak cone warning licin.. As for the poor kid, kejap lepas tuh medic team Disney datang.. Tapi elok jek budak tu sambung tgk show so okay la kot..    

 Muka teruja kat Toy Story Land..

 Mr Buzzzz.. I'm down hereee...

Kat sini ade Parachute game.. Memula tgk cuak gak tapi rase tercabar sebab tengok budak2 bawah 3 tahun pon beratur kan.. Hahahha.. Memang best pon..

 We conclude Walt Disney Studio by 3 pm kot.. And then kitaorg gi masuk Disneyland Park balik.. Sebab kelmarin belom masuk Discoveryland lagik..

 Disney Parade..

 Buzz Lightyear.. Haaa.. yg ni iols nye faveret.. Iols masuk 2 kali.. Nak masuk kali ke3 tapik Leman dah tanak layan.. Huhuhuh..

 And last but not least.. The Disney Dreams.. 

For Disneyland Paris 20th Anniversary nih, tetiap malam ade Disney Dreams.. Memang gempak gila okay.. Wayyyyyy gempak than anything I've ever seen.. Selalu tuh ade fireworks jek kan.. Ini complete package with 3D hologram, air pancut, real fire and also fireworks.. Lama plak tuh show dia.. (menunggu pon lama la jugak.. Sejuk beku la semuorang.. Huhuhu.. Tapi memang berbaloi2)..

 My picture didn't do justice..

Rugi plak rase nye tak tengok 3 malam berturut2 since ade ticket access kan.. Tapi sebab tengok sekali je lagik meaningful kot.. Hehe..

 Balik hotel terus pegi favorite corner.. 

 Next day was check out day.. 

 Bye bye Disneyland Paris.. We had sooooo much fun.. See you again :)


dedalie said...

i would like to say thanks for updating this blog of yours!! so informative and entertaining especially for the euro trip adventure. mak jeles nyah.heheh thanks a lot babe. pls write more.

The-pinkpeppermint said...

Best naaaaa!! Muka muka bahagia. Alhamdulillah :))))

dot said...


Oh, you're too kind :)
Thank you babe.
Nak abes dah JBR Europe iols.
Kalau youols nak detail bajet and itenerary PM jek okay.

dot said...


Mana pernah tak bahagia muka kita kalau pegi hollymoon no? Hehehe.
Cer pos sket nasik kandaq beratoq tuh kat iols. Nasik separuh, ayam goreng, bendi ngan telur ikan. Tenggssss..

ramli said...

great info for us who are counting days for Paris trip!