Sunday, March 20, 2011

Choose your position..wink wink~

This week tak sempat pegi yoga.
Ehem.. sila focus pada perkataan tak sempat tu ye. hehe.
Translation yg sebenar nya aku rase MALAS :P
Today had an awesome day ber-ATV from Kemensah to Sofea Jane Waterfall.
Nanti dah ade gambar dot blog ok.

Untuk hari ini.
I just wanna share these: 5 Best Yoga Positions to Aid Fertility

I stumbled across this website:
Dia nih artist rase nye.. tapi aku tak kenal pon.. tak glam ler tuh.. hehehe..
All the pictures here are credit to that website.

Position #1: Reclining (aka Supta) Baddha Konasana

Aku panggil nih.. baring atas bantal sambil berangan menjadi kaya raya.. ehh.. hehehe..
Betul la kan.. kalo ko tak berangan.. pehtu dok position nih.. aku rase 5 minit leboh la ko menjana mimpi.. Pehtu konon2 nak zen la buat yoga position kan.. tapi kalo dah tertido sampai setengah jam, bangun2 tuh komferm ko dapat simpul mengkarung and sakit pinggang.. hahahahha.. kome tau ke simpul menkarung tuh ape? Cakap england nye betis cramp la.. Aku slalu kalau tido tak pakai selimut tapi pakai aircond..tengah2 pagi tuh siap la bangun terus duduk tak sempat bismillah tak sempat ape.. terus meraung jek tengah2 malam.. hahahahha.. saspen tak kalo korang jadik Leman? hehe..

Eh..panjang plak mukadimah akak kan nyeh..
Kalau ikut cikgu yoga tu, this position has the "ability to soften the internal organs, open the pelvis, unburden the heart and calm the mind." Aku tak pasti la kalau ko stress kat office tak puas hati ngan boss, pose nih berkesan ke tak.. cuba lah..cuba lah.. hehehe.. Sila buat within 5-15 minit.. agak2 nak simpul mengkarung tuh bangun le pi makan aiskrim.. hehehe.. Oh..remember, yoga is all about breathing.. so make sure la ko bernafas ek.. Ade ke orang tahan nafas youols? Lepas 5 minit biru je kang.. hehe..

Position #2: Double Pigeon

Aku panggil posisi nih.. duduk macam bersila tapi sebenar nye bukan.. hehe..

Cikgu tu kata double pigeon "helps to release stored emotional trauma in the periformis muscle, which guards the gateway of energy in the hips.  The hips are the sister hinge to the jaw and when released, tension, emotional pain and chronic holding get released, allowing increased blood flow, and energy to the reproductive organs in the pelvis."

Dalam erti kata lain.. panjang sangat aku malas nak baca.. Buat jek la jangan banyak tanye! hahahahhaha..Tapi slalu je buat pose nih kalau pegi yoga class.. dia tak mentioned la plak brape lama suh hold position nih.. pandai2 la ekau nak bajet.. selagi tak semut2 tuh ko tahan la ye..

Tapi jgn ko quote aku plak.. kang laki ko mintak kopi..selagi tak semut2 kaki ko takmo bangun.. laki ko majok kang jgn salah akak ye..hehehhe.. takpe.. lepas2 nih akak blog on "tips menambat hati suami".. hahahahahha..tsskkk.. tapi susah la nak bagi tips dengan jujur..sebab abah kan baca blog aku.. hek hek.. :P

Gambar atas nih plak still double pigeon.. tapi alternative la kalau ko tanak strain lutut ko katenye.. (note: Abah sila jgn buat..kang terkrolap belakang tuh satu hal plak nak pegi klinik..hehhehe)..untuk yg bukan org perak..terkrolap is terseliuh la lebih kurang..Bukan lepas tgk citer hantu kak limah semuaorang terer cakap perak ke? hehe

Haa..nih la dia butterfly pose aku sebut dulu.. tapi cikgu yoga aku kat gym siap ajar mengepak ngepak lagik..macam kaedah rama2 terbang gittew! heheheh.. sebab tu la dia panggil butterfly pose..

Website tu kata this "stimulate the abdominal and ovaries"..Katanye lagi.."This pose helps to open the hips and increases circulation in the pelvis, it has been known to help balance irregular menstruation and helps the ovaries to function properly".

Cuba cuba...jangan tak cuba.. Tapik kalo ko anak dara toksah le mengepak2 tengah2 alam.. buruk bebenor rupe nye.. jatuh duit belanja hantaran youols.. hehehe..

4. Upavistha Konasana (seated angle pose)

Pose ni aku panggil mengangkang sampai nak terputus urat perut.. huhuhuhuhu.. kalau kat gym tuh aku yg ngilu tengok mereka2 itu mengangkang 180 darjah ok!! Akak kalau dalam 90 darjah tuh pon dah syukurrr youollss.. hehehehhehe.. aku rase kalau  lebih dari tuh komperm esok nye aku mc terus tersalah urat..hahahhaha.. 

Cikgu tu kata.."This asana stretches the hamstrings and helps the blood to circulate properly in the pelvic region and keeps it healthy. Its beneficial because it helps regulate menstrual flow and also nourishes the ovaries."

Dannn..pose terakhir kita untuk hari ini aku gelar sebagai baring angkat kaki ke atas ye kawan-kawan..
Cikgu tu kata.."This pose is restorative and helps to calm the nervous system and the heart rate. It is powerful for women because of its inversion qualities and ability to focus on the 2nd chakra, which houses the reproductive organs"

2nd chakra tuh apekebende nye youols? Dia macam system cakerawala kita ke? huhuhu.. Yang 1st ade kat mana eh?

Kata cikgu nih lagik.."This pose has great healing qualities and is a gem for women".. Cube kome try kalau sembelit tengok ade improvement tak? hehehe..

Baiklah.. itu saja perkongsian ilmu saya untuk hari ini..
Sebelom test sebarang position di atas, pegi la check it out website tuh kalo nak info yg lengkap..
Kang kome buat terseliuh kang jangan salah kan teman ye.. hehhee

Personally, better to join yoga classes..
Then bila dah ade basic knowledge tuh, bole la kalau nak buat DIY tgk youtube ke kan.. hehehhe..

Esok kejaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... cepatnye mase begitu mencumburui kita kan..
Kalau nak lepaskan isnin selasa tu rase lamaaa jek.. sabtu ahad pejam celik 3-4 kali (aku dah campo le tido siang kamu tu! :P) dah isnin balik.. huhuuhhu..

Have a happy week ahead readers..
Signing off with a big blank dry kiss (oh except if you're leman, then i'll give you a wet kiss..muahahhahah..)


haslihb said...

woww bile tukar profession jadik cikgu yoga ni??

dot said...

Ayong. I know you miss it! hahahhaha.. Jumaat nih wajib pegi ok. Nanti urat aku keras balik bile time nak buat cobra pose terkrolap terus :P

Anonymous said...

Teknik yoga ape ni?? Untuk Yogi the bear ye.. Silap aribulan, bukan aje terkrolap plus simpul cengkarong tp "Torpedo" pun leh kluar!! hek hek.

dot said...

Ishk. ape torpedo torpedo nih? abah nih obscene lah. Blog nih rating U tau bukan 18SG. hahahahah

Zuraida said...

aku selalu amalkan pose 2,3 dan 4 after running sebab dia release stress kat hamstring and inner thigh, tak tau la pulak the same pose can aid fertility...hahahaahah!!!

kak long said...

salam kenal...sangat impress ngan several teknik yoga yg ditunjukkan...hopw will learn about it further from you...