Sebelom aku lupe semua pasal Taiwan nih.. and sementara ade mase.. here goes..
Taiwan Review #5: Danshui
Danshui (or Tamshui) is a sea-side town in Taipei County in northern Taiwan (ROC). It is named after the Danshui River; the name means "fresh water". The town is popular as a site for viewing the sun setting into the Taiwan Strait. [wikipedia]
To get to Danshui..hop into the MRT redline Danshui..which is the last stop.. It is a lively place..suitable for a walk and to enjoy the sea view.. Lots of interesting shops lining the walkway.. From my research, I read that there's a Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum and a Bug Museum or something.. But since I came later in the evening, i did not make it to either place..Other place of interest is Fort San Domingo (which I missed too.. hehe).. But during my short visit..I had a wonderful time in Danshui and it's one of my favourite place in Taiwan..
Tempat nih senang jek nak pegi.. turun jek last stop MRT redline dia.. dah sampai.. Kitaorg sampai pon dah petang..and mase nih kaki pon dah sakit sebab berjalan seharian kat Jiufen and Jiguashi tadik tuh kan..But I love the evening stroll that I had wif Husband..
Ceritanye begini..
Wifey: Husband..jom kita urut kaki jom..murah jek..30 hengget jek setengah jam..jom laa...
Husband: Donwan.. Nanti sakit..
Wifey: Allaaa.jom la husband.. husband ni tak rock la.. kita kan on holiday..Tak sakit nye.. Macam la tak biasa..kan kite selalu jek buat reflexology..So husband finally gives in..and in we went..
Masuk2 jek.. semua mata ke arah kitaorg..
Semua muke blur..huhuhu..
Kitaorg lagik la..
nak kuar balik dah tak sempat..siap dah tutup balik sliding door blakang kitaorg..hahahha..
Pehtu interact la pakai bahse isyarat.. cakap nak urut kaki..
Di suruh la kitaorg nih duduk..
Pehtu kuar la 2 orang bute.. huhuhuh..
Rupenye nih tempat urut yg semua pekerja nye OKU.. huhhuhu..
Surprisingly..orang bute tuh cakap english better than most people yg kitaorg jumpa..
Mmg la limited vocab.. tapik jadik la kan..
SAKIT ok youolls..huhuhuh..
Aku ngan leman dah buat muke lembu dalam labour room ok..
siap dah mengerang..siap sentap tarik balik kaki..
Tapi diorang kuat ok..(yee..aku pon dapat tukang urut jejans..huhuhu..nayeee)
Kaki kitaorg mmg la byk urat simpul..kate tak henti jln since morning kan..huhuhuh..
That's the longest 30 minit of our lives..
Tapi kagum la.. sebab semua OKU tuh tak de la merempat tepi jalan mintak sedekah ke kan..diorang mencari rezeki yg halal.. harus dapat tips from us..sedangkan yg tak OKU pon kalau urut kitaorg kasik kan..
Pehtu..mase mengurut.. mamat nih konon2 nak beramah mesra la ngan ai kan youols..
Mamat: Where are you from?
Dot: Malaysia (pergh.. siap slang London ok..hahahaha)..
Mamat: Ma-lai-see-ya (oo..pehtu buat muke tak cam..pehtu cakap2 cine ngan tukang urut leman..pehtu cam gelak2..)..
Dot: *kompem tak reti mamat nih kan* .. Errmm..near Singapore
Mamat: Si-nga-por (ulang process di atas tadik)
Dot: Errmm.. Near Thailand..
Mamat: Thai-Leng (masih ulang process di atas.;.)
Dot: hahahahha..'s also near Indonesia
hahahhaa..mampuih.. dah semua negara aku kuar kan nih.. kang aku sebut it's near hong Kong ke baru ko nak paham kot..huhuhu..
leman pon dah gelak2 kan aku.. end up aku pon takde la offer memana negara jiran dah.. papua new guinea confirm lagik dia tak tahu kan.. hehehhe..
tapi lepas2 tuh.. kalau org tanye from where.. aku jawap pakai slang cine.. Ma-Lay-See-Ya..Untung2 diorang paham la kan.. Nak jek aku offer nyanyi lagu Negaraku kang..
Lepas urut..kaki yg sakit rase macam bertambah sakit..hahahha
Akhirnya abes jugak Day 2 kan.. Day 3-6 tak se hectic Day hopefully my post will be shorter ok..
PS: Masih belom pack beg baju..huhuhu.. bulan nih beg baju fully utilised lah.. masuk kuar (time raya), masuk kuar (gi Taiwan), masuk kuar balik (lepak Legend) and again masuk balik (nak gi Lumut)..[ehem..dedalie..awak jgn jeles saye nak gi balik kampong 5 hari ye..hehehhe..wajib pekena rojak manjung nih..hehehe (update post Bali pliss..I'm dying to hear..hehehe).. Jgn pakcik rojak manjung tuh bercuti raya sampai sebulan sudah..]
dot...hmm. balek sini eh. enjoy ya!
elo kure2.a ah..saye balik kampong halaman. hehe.
ina..aku suka baca blog ko nie...hilang sket stress aku...we we we we
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