By day three..we pretty much got a hang out of things..
Thanks to hours of studying Trip Advisor..Aku study trip advisor kat hall..sambil leman main Championship manager..
Aku study trip advisor kat bilik..sambil leman tido dgn bestnye..
Aku study dalam plane..pon leman leh tido sambil senyum..
Memang serah bulat2 la kat bini.. huhuhu..
So bile dah sampai Taiwan..
Aku still berkira2 nak menyusun itenery..Bile tanye dia nak pegi mana..jawapan dia sama jek.. Mana2 pon boley.. walauweii..susah la ini macam.. kang aku bawak gi mall tengok wayang kang.. huhuh..
For day 3..we decided to go to Windows on China..
Taiwan review #5: Windows on China (WOC)
Located at about 1 hours from taipei. To go WOC, you need to board the MRT from Taipei Main Station to Jiantan stop. From there, you may board TaiLien’s E-go (Taiwan United) buses, which also goes to Leofoo.
Another alternative is to take a cab. When we arrived at Jingan station, trying to find our bearing where actually we need to wait for the bus, we've been approached by a lady (with no english). Lucky for us, there's a couple nearby to translate. It turns out she's looking for more passenger to share cab with the couple..She's the cab driver..After a short wait, we managed to get 6 people (including ourselves)..It only costs us NT$150 per person, and its worth every cent as the cab driver drop us at the gate of WOC..
At first, I thought of going to WOC and then to Leofoo. But the hot weather makes it impossible even to think of. My advice is, unless you go on a winter (cool season), give WOC a miss. I'm not sure what's in Leofoo, but I can tell you that WOC is not worth the NT$550..and under the hot scorching sun, you would not enjoy looking at miniature buildings. :)
Just outside the entrance of WOC, there's a E-go bus stop..My advice is, before you even enter WOC, take a look at the bus schedule to plan your time for the return trip to Jingan..It's difficult to get taxi here..We're unlucky enough to miss our bus by 10 minutes.. The next bus would be in 1 hour time..and in hot the weather, that's a torture..We managed to get a cab which costs us NT$900..It's a bomb, but desperate times requires desperate measures..We agreed on the fares and hop into the air conditioned taxi :)
Ohmigod..Panasssssssssssss gile ok tempat tuh..
Well, actually satu Taipei tuh pon panas..tapik kalau ko dok dalam aircond takde la rase kan..Tapik dah nama nye gi bersiar2 dalam park..memang carik nahas youols..huhuhu..
Si leman tuh degei..akak dah soh dah bawak payung sorang satu..dia kata tak payah.. Boleh share.. Harus bile sampai sana, dengan payung yg kecik tuh, tak koser aku nak share payung ngan dia.. ahahhaha.. terpaksa la member beli topi plak satu..
Did i mention it's panas?? huhuhu..Boleh migrain punye tahap panas dia ok..
And untuk kami laki bini yg dah tua bangka nih, BOSAN nak mampos ok tempat nih..
Kalau ko ade anak kecik at least terhibur la jugak kan, tengok anak enjoy tgk kawasan..tengok doraemon dan rakan2.. Nih dedua ekor dah nak mati kebosanan kat situ..hahahha..Nyesal ok tak pegi Leofoo Village jek.. huhuhu..Tapi sebab dah bayar 55 hengget sorang, kitaorg pon terus kan jugak la bersiar-siar..
Aku penah pegi tempat cam nih.. Nama dia Window on The World..Kat shenzhen tahun 2005 dulu ngan Abah, arwah mak and ayong.. mase tuh cam best gile tempat tuh.. siap ade show best lagik.. So ingat kan WOC ni best la macam tuh..tapik hampagas ok..
Kol 1045 pagi kitaorg sampai..kol 1230 dah nak balik dah..huhuhu..
Lagik tak best dah terlepas plak bas yg kol 1230 tuh.. huhuhu..
Merase la tunggu bas bawah atap zink..panas nak kitaorg decide nak carik taxi jek..seb baik ade taxi yg hantar org pegi kitaorg pon tahan.. Kena la dalam 90 hengget ok..
But like i said to husband..It's worth the money..I'll gladly pay 90 hengget asalkan tak paham tunggu bawah panas terik matahari sampai 45 minit..huhuhu..
And perjalanan pon jauh..dekat 40 minit naik berbaloi la kan..
Sampai balik Taipei Main Station.. Kitaorg pon dah penat nak mampos..
Berjalan2 skejap kat Underground mall..
Dalam kol 4 camtuh lepas tapau sushi..kitaorg pon balik berehat kat bilik..heaven! hahahhaa..
Sampai malam baru kuar balik..tuh pon sebab nak carik makan.. huhuhu..
Masuk hari yg ke-4..lagik la kitaorg macam dah malas jek nak berjalan jalan.. hahaha..
Kaki pon memang dah sakit gile kan.. Jalan sikit lepak yg banyak nye.. Tak kisah la..asalkan holiday tak yah gi keja.. hehehe..
To be continued in Day 4..
1 comment:
looking forward to the rest of your taiwan updates :)
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