Thursday, December 30, 2010

Saying goodbye to 2010


Started the first month of 2010 with another holiday, to Phuket Thailand.
2nd time within 6 months. :)
But 1st time on ATV. Totally jatuh cinta!
Walaupon lepas 5 minit ibu jari dah tak rase..dan cuba melawan perasaan nak bawak motor pakai ibu jari kaki..

 Phuket ATV yg tak berapa best. Next time will definitely go to the ones in Phang Nga


Walaupon poket tak berapa nak recover, we had yet another holiday, this time to Miri and Brunei.
Kali nih lebih kepada melawat keluarga SIL sambil makan angin kekdahnya.. hehehe.. Pegi Brunei pon sebab BIL belanja lobster.. yummm..

Definitely will go to Miri again, hopefully in 2011.. Terbayang2 crab cili yg sedap nak mampos tuh.

 And the most important 'things' in Miri are these munchkins


Must be busy with work. Aside from that, tak ingat anything important with March.. hehe.. Blog pon tak update sangat during this month.


Lepas dah sakan bercuti2..Allah turun kan dugaan sket..So dapat la merasa masuk bilik bedah kat TMC..hehe.. rase macam dah lamaaa jek.. The only think i remembered was the 3 weeks long mc!! hehehe..Tu nama dia upside potential..

14 April 2010 also marks the 12 years me and mr husband became a couple.. Kalau ade anak dah nak UPSR tahun depan ok.. hahhaha..

 Aku tak sempat nak tengok pemandangan indah seperti dalam gambar nih.. For me, hanya sempat tengok muke doktor bius, lepas tuh terus gelap dunia.. Sangat bersyukur akak tak tido trus nyehs..huhu..


During my recovery after the laparoscopy, sempat pegi on another holiday.. hehehhe..
Kali ini to our annual Percutian Pulau-Pulau.. Destinasi terpilih ialah Perhentian.

 Mrs dot @ BubuLong Perhentian Island..


Pejam celik pejam celik.. Dah setahun aku berlabuh kat kompeni hijau nih.. Rase cam baru jek semalam resign PwC and join MAS.. Even tho i didn't regret my decision leaving MAS, but i do miss MAS.. Especially the annual free tickets..huhuhuh..

 MAS in memory..Mase nih hari2 parking sebelah kapal terbang..Had lots on fun and met lots of fantastic friends in MAS.


Tiba tiba dah masuk bulan Julai.. cepat jek mase berlalu kan..
Rase cam baru last week jek kitaorg akad nikah.
Time does fly when you're having fun..and being married is FUN! hehe

Not a single day past by, that I did'nt thank Allah for such a wonderful husband..
You rock my world Husband :)

 Beginning of our married life on 070707
And it seems only yesterday we went for our FIRST ever honeymoon..
 Our first honeymoon setelah bergelar Mr and Mrs Mann in 2007, at Gemia Island.. Look how slim i looked back then! Sekarang tinggal kenangan..sob..sob.. *terus lari amik kunci keta pegi gym! hahahha*

And since our first honeymoon tu, we promise each other to go on a honeymoon at least once every year.. This year we chosed Bandung Indonesia.
 3rd Wedding Anniversary = 4th honeymoon.. May many many many more to come..Aminnn..

I've said it before, and i will say it again. To all the married couples out there, sila pegi honeymoon as and when you can.. Tak semesti nya nak kena pegi oversea jek, mana2 pon boleh asalkan honeymoon.

Having said that, dun give me the "alaa..tak heran..hari2 pon honeymoon ape!"

Kepala hotak kau.. Hari2 tu KEHIDUPAN nama dia.. bukan honeymoon.. huhuhuh.. Memang la kasih sayang tuh hari2, tapi honeymoon is the time to destress.. just the 2 of you.. Tak semak kepala ngan keja.. ngan domestic chores.. ngan maid.. ngan apepe masalah lain.. Yang ade anak tuh, aku tau some tak sampai hati nak tinggal anak.. So bawak la anak sekali takpe.. lagik best kalau bawak maid, pehtu maid jaga anak korang gi enjoy..hahahha..


Aku pon selalu beringat..Allah itu adil..Semua orang ade bahagian masing2.. so sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down..

August is the month that I'm down..

Di uji oleh Nya dengan sakit gigi..huhuhuhu.. Nak kena cabut gigi geraham bungsu yg no. 3..

 And for some reason, it goes haywire.. Merana la aku kat situ seminggu.. Sakit dia adelah jauhhhh lebih sakit daripada time aku lepas laparoscopy tu dulu..huhuhuh.. and the upside of this, is again mc seminggu.. hehehhehe.. Tahun nih mmg tahun sakit la.. Total mc selama 3 setengah tahun kat PwC pon tak leh lawan total mc yg aku amik untuk tahun 2010 nih je.. huhuhuhu.. Berdoa beroleh kesihatan yg baik in the future.. 


Lepas baik sakit gigi, kitaorg pegi holiday lagik...hehehhee..
Kata stress nyeh sakit gigi kan.. huhuhu..

Kali nih ke Taipei Taiwan plak..

Since gi holiday berdua jugak, so it's like another honeymoon for 2010.. hehehe..
But we had more of an adventure than a honeymoon.. sebab Language itself is a challenge already.. tu tak crite pasal makan lagik tuh..hehehe.. Walaupon begitu, aku tetap balik dengan gemok.. cis!

 Mrs dot bergumbira kat taman Doraemon..


Bulan nih Endran and Louisa kawen, and reception sbelah lelaki kat Melaka..
So we took this opportunity untuk pegi mini getaway at Melaka..

 My faveret cendol kat Melaka.. Tapi masih takleh challenge cendol pulut mamak depan The Store kat Sitiawan tuh..hehehhe..


This is the month when we chosed to do our 1st IUI treatment..
Cost dia dekat sama ngan Taiwan holiday..hahahhaha..
Dan dah tertulis masih belom rezeki kitaorg, our first attempt at IUI gagal.
It's ok.. What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger!
And instead of mopping around questioning fate, we resume our happy life together.

 Have faith! Crossing our fingers for a 2011 miracle.


Dan sebagai bulan penutup..we went for yet another holiday for this year..
Kali ini destinasi pilihan ialah Singapore..hehehe..

Maka tercapai la KPI saya untuk tahun 2010..untuk pegi bercuti at least 6 kali setahun.. :)

 Mrs and Mrs Mann at Siloso Beach, Sentosa Island, Singapore

In a nutshell, 2010 has been a good year for me.. Sometimes up..sometimes down..Everytime I'm down, lepas tu I pick myself up again.. usually with a great holiday.. Work is good.. Health is good (walaupon in between tu banyak di uji ngan masalah kesihatan..takpe la..menghapuskan dosa2 kecil)..

Hasrat nak dapat baby masih belum tercapai tahun 2010 nih.. dah diusahakan ape yg termampu untuk tahun ini.. so no point bersedih dengan ape yg di luar kawalan kami..

..and yg paling penting sentiasa happy disamping yg tersayang.. (sila angkat tangan sape nak ngaku yg tergolong dalam list "tersayang" aku? hehhehe)..

With that.. Goodbye 2010..

PS: Company ijau tu kasik cuti gantian Isnin depan.. Korang ado? hehehehhe..


dedalie said...

aku, aku!! aku nak tergolong dalam list tersayang ko..hehe (mana la tau ko tergerak hati nak bawak aku pegi holiday ko plak wakakakakaka)

happy new year dot! semalam tgk tak G&B, alamak sedihnya noks....dia failed IVF 2 kali dah..huhuhu..

well done for the great year, many more to come in 2011!especially junior dot & leman :)


C-I-K-I-N-T-O said...

dah angkat dua belah tangan! hee, nak kena gi honeymoon slalu jugak la kan

Anonymous said...

Year 2010..colorful & challenging year for you and ur love ones.Well done !!

Slmt menyambut tahun baru 2011 dgn cabaran2 nye OK? All the best to dot.
Anak abah....hek hek

dot said...

Dedalie..hehe..baik lah..aku endorsed ko dalam list kesayangan aku..(ehem. so by extention Redza Minhat pon termasuk la dalam list aku eh? hahhaha..*larikkkk)

Ala..rugi nye aku tak tgk G&B..sedih kan..dia yg kayo rayo tuh pon sedih..inikan pulak kalau kita yg tak berapa kaya..huhu..

Happy New Year and I pray the best for you too for the coming 2011..Mwah mwah

dot said...

Shikin..Ok..sebab dah angkat 2-2 tangan confirm sebatu akak dah nampak.. hehehe.. Best nye kamu nak pegi Mabul nanti.. hehe..sila buat detail review ye nanti.. happy New year 2011~

dot said...

Dear Abah. Thank you for being such a loyal fan of this blog..eventho I'm sure at times my writing will makes you cringe! hahahha..Happy New Year 2011 and Happy Coming Birthday :) Love you lots

Zuraida said...

mak aih..betul la ko cuti 2 bulan sekali! aku suke!!!!!

lain kali nak ikot!!!!

oh sebelum lupa...selamat tahun baru babe!