Thursday, November 10, 2011

Perth Day 2: Fremantle, Easy Breezy Beautiful

Rase cam dah lama gile jek balik from Perth..

And with all the life issues, rase cam nak pegi jek sana holiday lagik satu round..
How i wish kucing aku berak kuar emas.. hehe..

Anyway, kan hari sebelom nye asek la meng-qado tido kan..
Hari nih bila bangun jek rase cam segar gile.. (mane tak nye kalau malam sebelom tuh kol 830 rase cam dah ngantuk pukul 1130 malam! hahaha)..

Bila dah cukup tido.. and cukup oksigen sampai otak..
We see the city from a different perspective..
And we kinda like what we're seeing so far.. hehe..

 Crossing the bridge to go to city centre area.. So sebenarnye hotel backpackers tu takde la jauh mana.. Kalau malas nak berjalan.. bas stop belakang block tu jek.. Tapi sebab pagi2 stamina byk lagik.. kitaorg pon rajin la nak jalan2 kan.. Within 10 minutes we're already at the Hay Street area..

 Jalan2 lagik jumpa garden.. Cantik gile landscaping city nih.. Ditambah plak dgn musim wildflowers.. tapi aku tak sure la yg mana bunga tanam yg mana bunga liar.. hehe..

 I tgk kat internet dok nampak kagaroo batu nih.. hehe.. jenuh lah nak jejak kasih jugak kan.. dah jumpa baru puas hati.. It's in front of Citibank building.. Ade 4 ekor keluarga tanggang yg dah kena sumpah jadik besi.. hehe.. Owhh.. yg ke-4 tuh bukan yg belakang sekali tuh! tidakkk. hehhehe.. ade lagik sekor tak masuk dlm gambar.. Yg belakang sekali tuh kangaroo kesayangan pemilik blog..

 Mase nih dah jalan sampai area Barrack Jetty.. Barrack jetty nih dekat jek ngan Swan Bell (one of the landmark in Perth).. Kontot gile jek kot swan bell nih..

 Sampai depan jetty nih.. kitaorg pon terkial2 la nak beli tiket.. hahaha.. Ade cruise tu nama dia Capten Cook's or something.. pegi Swan River and Frementle.. tapik tambang dia mahal gile sorang AUD54 macam tuh.. Siap dpt wine free.. Ape jadah kitaorg nak bayar mahal2 bukan leh minum wine pon.. hehe..

So we opted for Golden Sun Cruise (one way) to Fremantle.. AUD18 per pax..
 Cuaca sgt cantik hari nih.. Mr and Mrs Mann waiting for the ferry..

 Ini view from the ferry.. Ferry dlm gambar nih pegi Perth zoo..

 Perth City

 Lalu area umah2 orang kaya.. aku dok teka mana satu umah KJ.. hehe.. Tapi kalau bila kitaorg kaya.. kitaorg pon nak beli satu la property kat sini.. hehe..

 Sampai sudah di Fremantle or fondly called Freo by the locals..

 Rupa2 ngan dari jetty tuh. boleh tahan bapak penat nak berjalan sampai town.. huhuhu..

Mase dah sampai tuh.. pakcik kapten tuh dah bagik info pasal routes yg boleh di ambik utk pegi town.. aku pon tak focus sgt.. yg pasti ade dengar bus stop..

Pehtu aku ajak jek leman ikut the crowd yg turun ferry tuh.. lagipon confirm semua pon nak pegi town kan..

Tapik.. malang naseb.. sebab mase nih lah bini nak tangkap gambar sini sana.. so sudah kena tinggal dgn crowd.. hehe..

Pehtu bila dah dpt catch up.. crowd pon macam blur blur sekor sekor dah sesat la kot (termasuk la kitaorg kan!).. Pehtu bila sampai satu intersection.. crowd dah pecah dua... Satu pegi kiri.. satu nak pegi terus.. and some masih terkial2 kat situ tgk signboard and peta.. hahahah..

So aku pon ajak la leman ikut satu pakcik ngan makcik nih.. sebab aku bajet diorang mesti tak larat jalan.. nak pegi carik bus stop.. huhuhu.. meleset sangkaan ku..

Tu laa.. lain kali jadik underestimate orang.. hahahha.. Bila dot tanye..

Dot: Are you looking for the bus stop?
Acik omputeh: No.. we're just gonna walk to town :)

Terus kata dalam hati.. SHIT! Salah follow.. hahahahha.. saya nak pegi bus stop acik.. saya tak larat nih.. huhhuhu.. Tapi ape kan daya.. mase tuh dah halfway ikut diorang (yg berjalan bapak la laju nye.. kitaorg yg MUDA ini dah separa semput mengejar.. hahahha).. so terus kan la jugak sampai ke pekan.. Ade lah 2 kilometer kot kitaorg kena berjalan nak sampai ke pekan (gym dah sepuluh bulan tak jejak youolls!).. huhuhu.. nanges kan?

 Akhirnyaaa.. after what seems like a lifetime.. kitaorg finally sampai ke pekan jugak..

Tempat pertama yg dituju harus la jamban kan.. hehehhe.. kat sini sejuk asek la nak terkencing..
 Dekat sini byk arts (made from besi i think).. Mase nih aku dah berpeluh ketiak lepas menapak 3 kilometer tadik! hahaha..

 Lepas tu terus ke sini.. E-Shed! Nih tempat beli souvenir.. But i have to say,.. kinda dissapointing sebab kecik bebenor.. and choices pon tak banyak.. Bila tgh shopping plak, rase mcm nak menggigil2.. sebab mase nih dah nak lunch time.. and perut adelah kebulur..

First time in my life (i swear).. yg aku grumpy and tak leh fokus nak ber shopping sebab dah lapa and mementingkan nak makan! hahahhaha.. padahal tadik aku yg poyo2 ajak leman dtg sini dulu.. alih2 tgh pilih barang bini dia dah ala2 gwumpy old lady sebab dah gigil2 lapar..

So terus leman ajak pegi bayar and cepat2 bawak bini naik bas pegi carik makan.. hehe..

 More besi2 = arts! Nih kalo letak tgh umah malam2 bgn nak minum air tersepak anak jari nih bikin leleh air mata nih youols.. hehe..

 Kitaorg gi area Esplanade utk lunch..

 Restoren of choice = Cicerello's

It's quite famous in the internet.. antara Cicerello's or Kaili's.. Famous for it's fish and chips..
And org ade lah ramai nak mampos youols..

Lepas terkial kial for a bit sebab tak sure how the ordering system works kan.. hehehe.. kami decided utk ordered Seafood platter and Salt & Pepper Squid..

Leman mmg suka Fish & Chips.. Aku tak berape nak gemor sangat.. (orang melayu la katakan. hehehe)..
Kalau kat malaysia, mmg jarang sekali la nak tgk aku order fish and chips kan..

So my verdict: Makan byk2 jadik menugai (muak)

Kat sini tomato sos pon nak kena beli.. haha.. tapi makan punye pasal takde hal.. bayar saja mcm bawak duit 3 guni.. takyah pikir pasal convert2.. kalau tak nanti aku makan sos tomato cicah jari jek la.. hehehe..

Tapi Salt & Pepper Squid tuh terbaek okeh! Sila order yg tuh.. and i advice sila jgn tamak habola macam aku.. sebab by the time sampai sini kan dah lapa tahap gigil2 kan.. so nampak makanan macam nak semua.. hahhaha..

I think fish and chips set dah memadai.. seafood platter a bit too much.. Selain daripada dua nih ade la mcm2 lagik dlm menu mainly seafood base kan..

 Lepas lunch.. bergambar2 macam jakun di tepi2 restoren.. hahahha.. orang tengok mesti cakap.. "so tourist!" .. hehe.. pedulik.. aku bukan datang tiap2 minggu kan..  Tapi cantik area dia.. byk restoren2 lain.. and mmg sejuk nak mampos.. laki bini makan sambil menggigil gigil sebab malas nak kuar kan jacket sebab terlampau tak sabar nak makan boley?

 Bila perut sudah kenyang.. baru la kita boleh sambung bersuka ria.. hehe.. nih tunggu bas lagik.. Lepas makan nih kitarg pegi balik E-shed tuh sambung shopping.. haha.. sekarang baru lah boleh focus carik barang..

 Lepas tu kitaorg singgah sini plak.. Fremantle Market!

I loveeeeeeeeeee the envionment.. sangat lively.. and interesting.. dia mcm sesak2 ala2 flea market jek.. and aku rase aku beli organic soap jek kot kat sini.. sebab barang2 lain either tak menepati citarasa.. atau tak menepati keadaan wallet yg nipis! hahaha.. But i really enjoyed the air..

 After that, we move on to our next stop..

Cappucino Strip!

1 word.. L.O.V.E ... I'm a coffee lover so i might be bias here.. hehehe.. Seanjang kat Perth/ Freo nih.. Latte diorang sedap2 la.. even latte kat McDonald pon sedap ok.. Does not taste like cheap coffee that McD here serve..

Tapi kat Freo nih.. the best latte i ever had here.. Cafe nih nama dia Gino's..

Cappucino strip nih mcm deretan kedai2 coffee la.. aku tgk mat salleh2 nih byk jek yg minum arak jugak.. tapi dah nama nye cappucino strip kan.. ape celop minum arak dei.. pegi la minum kopi kan.. hehehe..

 Mr Husband at Gino's

 I admit.. I love Freo! This small town is full of positive vibes and good energy.. I'm not kidding..

It's seem busier than the usual "tenang" Perth city.. tapi busy dia tak menyesakkan kepala otak.. Busy dia macam excited vibes.. hahahha.. pegi la sendirik then you tell me what's the right work ye.. hehe..

 Isteri yg terlebih caffeine dalam badan.. hahaha..

 Rase macam kejap sgt tetiba dah petang dah.. huhuhu.. on our way to the train station (very very convenient tak macam jetty tadik kan).. naik train nih.. bayar jek dalamAUD3.80 satu kepala.. setengah jam kemudian dah sampai Perth Main Station dah..

And by the time sampai Perth.. kedai2 pon dah tutup.. hehe.. Mr Leman at the front of London Court..

 We tapau-ed our dinner and enjoy the rest of the evening from the comfort of our hotel.. hehe..

So that's the end of our adventure today..

I super love our outing today.. enjoy gila2.. Sapa dtg Perth, mmg tak sah la kalau tak pergi Freo kan..

I love it so much that i asked Leman for a repeat on Day 7.. tapik pakcik tuh ekshen takmo layan bini dia.. huhuhuhu.. dia kata dah pegi hari nih cukup la tuh.. sob sob..

Next time datang (ek ek..ade next time ke? haha).. I shud book one nite in Freo la..

Tomorrow (Day 3) we're gonna get our rental car.. so boleh memanjang langkah kuar jauh sikit dari pekan kan..

See you then..

1 comment:

Ms J said...

KJ has a house there? Like seriously? Wowweee...