Thursday, November 24, 2011

This is dejavu~


Guess where I am?

Surprisingly here i am kat Kota Kinabalu again..
Kali nih lebih lama daripada last week.

But fret not..
I'm flying Leman in for this long weekend..
No way I'm enjoying this gloomy weather all by myself.. haha..
KK asek ujan kebelakangan nih..

Last week.. on my flight back to KL..
I was stranded at the airport for 5 FREAKING hours..
tapik because its due to bad weather and poor visibility..
Nak marah sapa kan? huhu.. So berdoa jek la..

Semalam pon sama..
Took off at 1120 am..
Right on queue..

Enjoying my flight entertainment system (MAS punye taktik kot. Diorang mcm tau2 jek nak divert sebab tu siap sogok ngan entertainment system).. haha..
Pehtu enjoy makan2.. pegi toilet satu round..
And the announcement was made..

"Tuan2 dan Puan2.. Kita akan mendarat sebentar lagik.. Sila tegakkan kerusi tempat duduk anda, simpankan yada yada tada.."

So I waited..
And I waited..

Bila nak landing nih?

Pehtu announcement lagik..

Bad weather and poor visibility..
So pilot try berlegar2 kat ruang udara..
Mase tuh pon aku dah gayat siyot..
Macam melayang2 jek aku rase..

Tetiba pilot mcm bagi announcement mcm ape tah..
Tak ingat yg la.. yg pasti nye macam scary..

So pilot cakap kitaorg kena diverted to Labuan Airport.. huhuhu..
Labuan setitik ujan pon nan ado..

So mase landing kat Labuan tu pon horror gila..
Macam nak terpelanting ado.. huhu..
Come la pilot.. kut ye pon nak fuel saving agak2 la sikit kan..
Aku naik Air Asia diorang landing sikit punye smooth tau.. huhu..

Lepas landing tuh.. ade la agak2 dalam 1.5 jam tersadai dalam plane tu ok..
Seb baik diorang on entertainment system..
Tapi aku nagntuk so aku bantai tido..
Walaupon kepanasan sebab lepas tu dia off aircond.. uhuhu..

Lepas tu baru fly balik ke KK..
So patut sampai kol 200 ptg.. Tapik kol 430 baru aku selamat landing kat KK.. huhuhhu..
Penat jek pakai baju kerja..
By the time amik bag semua office hour pon dah abes..
Kalau aku tau aku bantai pakai jeans jek tadik tau.. huhu..

Yg best tu.. boss aku tertinggal flight pagi tadik..
After landing.. aku call la tanye dia kat mana..
Boss aku pon dah selamat check in kat hotel ok!

Aiyooo.. ini ngak fair.. huhuh..
Dia naik flight lagik lambat tapik sampai lagik awal..
Itu la takdir namanye.. sob sob..

To make matter worse..
Aku mcm tak sedap badan..
Rase nak demam..
Pehtu on duty travel plak tu keja melambak2..
Such bad timing..
Kalau kat umah dah lama aku mintak mc jek.. huhuh..

Since this is a duty travel.. The only time i got to enjoy was during shopping at Pasar Filipino last week.. hahaha.. Penuh bag sampai maximize 25 kilo luggage allocation...

This week macam nak pegi Kundasang..
Tapi weather mcm tak berapa user friendly.. so let's see how..
I've got no problem staying in and cuddling with Leman 3 hari 2 malam.. hahahha.. (nah plastic muntah sorang satu)..

Sape pernah pegi Kota Kinabalu?
Ape lagik aku bole buat kalau tak sempat pegi Kundasang eh?
Ideas please..

Nite nite people.

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