Let's quickly get this done and over with okay..
Here it is.. our Day 6..
Malam tadik after the stomach ache scare.. Leman dah veto-ed.. Hari nih terus balik ke Perth City.. Takde nak stop2.. Sebab kalau apepe.. hospital senang nak access kan.. huhuh.. tapi seb baik bila bangun pagi.. Sakit perut tuh makin berable.. takde la sampai takleh bangun and berjalan.. so I insisted we continue with our plan..

Saying goodbye to our suite.. I love this holiday suites.. So cosy.. Setiap tingkat ade 2 unit jek..And satu blok ade 4 unit..

And it is smack in the middle of MR Town..

Mr Leman in town :)

Memula kan tugas sebagai pembantu 'juru-driver" yg berdedikasi..

Singgah Cowaramup nak bergambar kenangan ngan lembu emas.. (aku rase hanye tourist jek buat keja2 mcm nih.. Pekan nih senyap sunyi lagik kedai pon baru nak bukak kot.. hahaha)

Since on the way lalu MR Choc Factory.. Kitaorang singgah lagik satu round.. Sempat amik chocolate free and beli beberapa kotak lagik.. hehe..I'm holding the milk choc and Leman's holding the dark choc version..

On the way kitaorg singgah lagik satu vineyard.. This one is call Laurance Cellar..

My husband pegi la ulu mana pon.. tak lekang ngan BB.. as if la client dia takleh idop kalau seminggu dia cuti.. huhuh.. mengada2 betul kan client skrg.. huhu..

Beautiful scenery kan.. Belakang tu rose garden dia.

And this is by far the most beautiful toilet that i ever visited.. no kidding! Aku nak kencing pon takut2.. hahahah..

We're gonna miss you ADLT..

Next stop is DUNBOROUGH.. to the Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse..

Si lighthouse yg kontot. hahahah.. Aku pon pelik apsal la ramai orang kat tempat nih.. Takyah la pegi.. Takde ape pon.. except the beautiful view..

Beautiful view..

then we went here.. BUSSELTON.. but i caught this picture on the way to MR hari tuh.. dia kira after BUNBURY la... Tapi nak balik nih baru singgah..

This is the BUSSELTON train.. so sedih tak dapat naik train.. Dalam AUD8 kot dua hala.

The famous BUSSELTON Jetty

Leman with the jetty.. It's long.. Dalam 2 kilometer lebih.. Tapi aku jalan tak sampai 200 meter kot.. hahahah.. tak koser akak nyeh.. kalau naik train tu lain la citer kan.. Kang dah pegi sampai hulu 2 kilometer lebih.. nak balik kang 2 kilometer lebih lagik.. Doing the maths itself already tire me out.. hahaha..

The new addition to my visitor gold coin collection..

Our expensive lunch that day at The Goose.. Dah duduk tgk menu baru realize nothing much that we can eat there.. and prices are mahal agak melampau.. huhu.. Boleh makan besar kat Victoria Station ok.. huhuh.. Pehtu takde la sedap mana pon..

Me with Simmos Ice Cream.. Ini sedap!

Leman request nak amik gambar dgn The Goose.. Sebab dia cakap ni restoren mahal and tak sedap.. so korang sila carik tempat makan lain.. haha..

Perfect weather

Beautiful scenary along the way..

Next stop is HARVEY.. This town has quite a lot to offer.. Tapi by the time we arrived.. it's 4 pm.. and the shops and attractions are closed! So sedih.. penat jek detour jauh2 nak datang sini..

Dapat singgah toilet pon jadik la kan.

The best driver one can asked for.. hehe.. I love you my Mr Driver..

Hajat di hati nak panjat menara Oren.. dan berjoget lambak dua tiga round di sebalik pokok2 oren.. Tapi dah tutup plak..

So tangkap gambar dari dlm kereta jek la! hahahaha..

The skies and clouds here never fail to amaze me.. Indah nye ciptaan Ilahi.

And after returning our rental car (goodbye si putih.. you've been very good to us these past few days).. We double back to the city by cab.. and check in at Criterion Hotel, Hat Street.. Surprisingly, the inside of this hotel is even scarier than our backpackers hostel.. hahahhaa..

Tapi kat sebelah hotel ade restoren Penang something.. Malaysian restoren.. Nampak tak muka bahagia akak makan Cantonese Keuh Tiow nyehs? Heaven i tell you.. hehe..
That end's our 3D2N roadtrip.. We've had plenty of fun along the way..
Margaret River and it's surrounding areas is truly memorable.. I would recommend anyone to experience them.. Tapi kena tido la sana 1 or 2 night.. Sebab agak jauh journey dia.. and tak syok la kalau melawat terkejar2 dari satu tempat ke satu tempat kan..
Like us.. we probably did not manage to cover a lot of places.. but we really took our time enjoying each location.. and what they have to offer.. And Margaret River one of the highlight of my Perth & Western Aussie Honeymoon (my other favorite is Freo)..
Day 7 is nothing much.. Bila rajin nanti dot update ok..
Wow bestnyee romeo n juliet nih!! Now dah craving nak pegi holidays lagi lepas tengok photo uols ;P
Hey you yg baru balik dari bandung holiday. Over ok. hehe.
dot, i nak tanye..masa kat margaret river u stay hotel ape?
Faizah, we stayed at Margaret River Hotel & Suites.
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