Rise and shine..
Pagi2 kitaorg dah ready nak check out from hotel to start our road trip..
But bummer, reception tu kol 830 baru bukak..huhu..
So kitaorg pon lepak2 la minum latte kat cafe sebelah dulu..
And it was drizlling lightly that morning..
So cuaca extra sejuk.. sgt best..
Pagi2 traffic jam sket nak kuar Perth sebab orang gi keja kan..
The hotel owner siap advice kitaorg tunggu la kol 9 ke 10 ke baru push off from Perth sebab nak avoid traffic kan..
Ape de hal.. kata keja kat KLCC..
Setakat traffic jam tuh dah jadik senang macam makan nasik la uncle! hehe..
And after saying our goodbyes to the uncle..
We join the traffic (which was not bad at all.. Nothing compares to my morning office jam.. hehe)
We set Mr Celltech to our next destination --> MANDURAH
Ape ade kat Mandurah? Aku rase macam takde apepe jek! hahahaha..
Tapi sebab dia on the way, and kitaorg pon nak terkencing.. So singgah jek la jgn tak buat syarat kan..
Bila sampai Mandurah.. cuaca memang extra sejuk sebab byk angin.. Lagik sejuk daripada Perth.. hahaha.. Even Leman yg kuat tahan sejuk pon pakai jacket..
Tapik sebab I wanna rock my new blue jacket skirt.. Aku tahan kan jugak sejuk tuh sampai menggigil gigil... hahahaha.. Takpe.. Beauty is pain katanye.. hehe..
I bought the skirt kat Jusco masa raya arituh..Ingat kan nak pakai ngan leggings kalau kat Malaysia la.. Tapi sebab kat oversea boleh la aku melaram takyah legging.. hehe..
At every place we stop, ade jek yg offer nak amikkan gambar kitaorg berdua.. Tak payah mintak diorang dah volunteer.. Pakcik Leo nih siap sangkut tongkat dia kat tepi punye la baik nye nak amikkan gambar kitaorg duaorang.. hehehe.. Pehtu aku nak ajak la dia amik gambar..
Dot: Thank you.. Now I want to take a picture with you okay?
Uncle Leo: Me?? You want to take a picture of me??? Why do you want to take picture of me??
Hahahahha.. lawak la pakcik nih.. picture with you la pakcik.. bukan picture of you.. eden nak buek apo picture of you.. kot Brad Pitt tu lain la kan.. hehe..
So bila tau aku nak amik gambar dengan dia.. baru lah dia senyum lebar.. hehe..
Our first stop is the Dolphin Discovery Centre.. Bayaran masuk adelah AUD10 satu kepala..
Tapi Leman kata aku saiko tepi jalan pon nak berenti amik gambar.. Pfttt.. so takde seni laki aku tuh kan..
Ape la tomyam manis macam makan sirap.. huhuh.. Tak sedap langsung.. Dah ler mahal pulak tuh.. Tapi sebab dah order, belasah jek la kan..
And aku sempat la shopping kecil2an kat Bunbury nih.. hehehe.. mana sah kalau tak berenti shopping kan..
Pelik2 kan nama town dia.. Pekan Cowaramup nih dah dekat sgt la dgn Margaret River (where our next hotel is located).. Aku nak berenti nih pon sebab aku nampak ade kedai jual candy.. hehehe.. and jual barang2 made of lavender..
Lepas shopping kecil2an lagik.. Akhirnya sampai jugak at MARGARET RIVER..
But we're glad we got so called upgraded.. cause the room is AWESOME!
Sooo spacious leh main kejar2 ngan Leman.. hehehe..
Lepas dah settled down.. we walk about the Margaret River town.. tapi sebab hari pon dah petang.. we just tapau-ed our foods and lattes and retired to our room..Tamak plak tuh beli margarita pizza, kebab and meat box.. hahaha..
Sebelom balik tu singgah la beli groceries.. ingatkan nak masak jek kan for breakfast tomorrow.. Beli telur.. margarine.. fillet ikan.. roti segala..
Bila balik.. terus masuk dapur eksaited nak simpan barang nak masak besok pagi kan..
Sekali tengok betul2 dapur kitaorg tu takde dapur da! hahaha.. takde stove..
Poyo jek beli margerine segala.. Yg ade hanya microwave oven and sinki.. ciss...
So hari nih byk travel and singgah pekan2 kecil.. Esok (Day 5) baru nak explore Margaret River area.. There are tons to do in Margaret River nih.. which is famously known for its wineries..
The town is so relaxed.. nampak mcm sgt holiday town macam tu.. and cuaca adelah extra sejuk daripada Perth.. Kat sini mmg langsung tak payah tido pakai aircond.. itu pon dah sejuk menggigil..
See you in Day 5 girls + abah (you're the only guy that i invited to read my blog :P)
PS: Kota Kinabalu is treating me well so far.. Being here for work and being on a holiday is like langit dgn bumi kan.. huhu.. And being away from home, all i can think of is cepat la balik umah cause i miss my boys so very much.. Tapi bulan nih murah plak rezeki utk travel opportunities.. Maybe going to Labuan and then Bintulu.. and then dah sampai mase untuk my year end holiday to Bali.. weehuuuu..
I must be one of the 5 luckiest :) tq Dot for invite me :)
hehe.. Bukan la Linda.. You're among the 20 macam tu.. hehe.. I mean see you in Day 5.. girls + abah.. hehe.. Have a wonderful day ok..
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