Friday, February 20, 2004

rise..shine.. and sleep again !!

today i woke up early again.. went to central market wif beloved crash (leman) ... seb baik tak jem.. wearing my fink coudroy cutee..hehehe.. the sluar la.. not me :P .. i bought 2 books.. intend to buy only one.. but alahai.. bukan slalu leh dtg cm.. so alang alang baik beli 2..hehehe.. since i tade hp wif kamera cam ayong..uhhuuh.. leh story jek la.. 1)the prize by julie garwood ... i loveeee julie garwood.. but the thing is.. i dah kehabisan buku dier utk di bace.. almost semue dah bace.. judith mcknought pon same gaks.. takde buku baru ..huhuh.. 2) the taming by jude deveraux.. heheh.. best best... then lepas tuh patah balik ke mines.. leman banjer makan nandos.. yum yum.. okla.. dot nak sambung tido..hahahahahahahahaha... jgn jeles... byeeee....

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