Saturday, November 20, 2010

And the journey begin...

This entry is personal..sebab tu memula aku macam takmo share..
Tapi kan.. other people with the same experience had blog about it, and I find so much comfort in their I hope my experience will inspire others who's TTC..(kau hengat ko artis byk orang bace blog ko? hahahha)

Here goes..

Remember I mentioned gonna see Dr. Dev next year for the next best option in our fertility treatment?
Well..I went earlier..hehehe..
Sebab arituh kan pegi talk at TMC tuh kan.. lepas tuh terus macam buat appointment just because we're in the mood for it.. hehehe.,and dah save sedikit duit (confirm tak cukup nak buat IVF :P)

So bila dah consult ngan Doctor.. he suggested I took Gonal-f with natural baby making..
Tapi aku request nak IUI.. (will do another post just for IUI)..
Sebab gonal-f tuh adelah menatang2 yg kena cucuk kat perut tu kan..
And dah alang2 aku nak kena cucuk2 perut..might as well buat IUI least everything will be monitored by the doctor kan..

We visited the doctor few times before the actual IUI day..
Every visit he will do the vagina scan for me.. Kachingggg.. can hear my money terbang kuar tingkap 3..hahahha.. Sekali scan is RM120 ..not that I'm complaining ok.. since kitaorg mmg dah peruntukkan fund for our 1st IUI treatment..not as if aku pecah tabung pegi holiday (err..which at the moment dah kosong ittew..hahahha)..

Neway..cost for IUI at TMC is around RM2500 - RM3000.. standby jek la to treat this cost as sunk cost ok..for those yg tak familiar istilah sunk cost.. it means no guarantee on the return.. kira tawakkal and yg lain tuh "kun fa ya kun" jek la.. BELIEVE and HAVE FAITH on the Al-mighty..If it's time.. It will be time.. Kalau dah mmg belom time..buat la ape pon still takde.. apepe pon at least from our side..kitaorg dah usaha ikut kemampuan..

Sebab tuh aku obses tgk Guiliana and Bill.. hehehe.. tapik diorang kaya..and dah move to IVF dah pon.. walaupon diorang kaya..still si Giuliana tuh pikir banyak kali nak buat IVF again kan.. Imagine kita rakyat jelata yg duit nyawa2 ikan tuh (aku la tuh..hahahah).. mana nak buat beli handbag lagik..mana nak bawak pegi shopping kasut lagik..opss..itu la semua nye kan..hehe..

Anyway..Took Gonal-f for 6 straight days..
satu stick 450iu tuh cost dekat seribu.. (part of the cost for total IUI)..

Mase nurse tuh tunjuk ajar..leman yg dah takut2.
Siap cakap.."uisshh..besar nye jarum!" ..hahahha.. thanks Husband :P

But neway..tunggu 2nd day period baru start cucuk..
At first I want leman to do it for me..

But since i dun wanna make a bigger fuss than it already is..aku pon decide la nak cucuk jek sendirik..
"Desperate time requires desperate measures..begitu la kekdah nye youols.. huhuhu..

Gonal-f nih plak kena sentiasa simpan dalam peti ais.. Bawak balik from sepital pon dia bagi ice pack..
Kebetulan kitaorg balik umah PIL mase first day cucuk tuh.. so naik beku lah kitaorg dalam kereta sebab make sure aircond maintain sejuk sentiasa untuk Gonal-f tuh kan..and this is on top of the ice pack..hehehe..

Tapik takde la aku cool sangat macam mat-cool-mat-cool-kawanku..

Days before I even start my injections (ubat dah amik awal seminggu camtuh)..
Hari2 aku pester Leman.. Pagi petang siang malam.. aku akan saiko diri sendirik..
"huhuhuhu..camne nih husband.. me takut la nak cucuk perut.. Husband buat kan la boleh?" huhuhu..

The thing about Gonal-f is.. ko kena cucuk at about the same time.. so for me the best time is morning sebelom gi keja lah kan..

Pagi sabtu tu siap set alarm make sure tak terlepas time..
Berteman kan leman dan mak mertua sebagai pemerhati bebas..
Bismillahirahmanirahim.. Terus aku cucuk jek perut tak pikir apepe..
Pehtu tekan and cabut.. easy peasy..hahahahha..

Pehtu pass balik jarum kat leman..
Pehtu kena marah ngan leman..sob..sob..
Sebab tarik jarum cepat sangat and ubat tak abes tekan.. huhuhhu..
Sebab depan mak mertua harus terpaksa senyum.. ambik balik jarum and cucuk lagik sekali perut.. hahahhaa..
Bodoh kan.. free free jek cucuk perut sampai 2 kali pagi tuh.. huhuhu..

Lepas 1st time tuh.. harus mak dah jadik pro nyeh..
Sometime sakit lebih sikit.. maybe tersalah cucuk ke ape..but dun worry..nothing that I couldn't handle pon..
Jarum tuh pendek jek pon.. and I started with 75iu which is small.. so maybe sebab tu tak sakit sangat kot..
And it help loads that we used the pre-filled pen type..not the type yg kena isi ubat dalam jarum sendirik kan..

Okla. that's all that i wanna share for now..


C-I-K-I-N-T-O said...

menarik cerita ni..kin pun dh tahap obses gila ngan guiliana & bill tuh..

tp betul ckp akak, klu its time, mmg ada..klu belom mmg belom. at least cuba kan.

gonal-f ni mcm guiliana & bill penah buat jugak kan?

Anonymous said...

Berkat Sabar..usaha.. doa..n tawakkal.Insyaallah semuanya dipermudahkan dan diredhai Allah.
Ok Ina..Relax and cheer up!!hek hek

Intan and The Boys said...

oh dot! kita pon suka gila G&B!

kita doakan semua berjalan lancar ye dot.

dieya said...

thanks for sharing your experience. kebetulan sorg schoolmate aku baru post entry semlm abt her own TTC journey. nnt aku suruh dia baca entry ko ni buat panduan kan.

AzaMazelan said...

hi dot! saya kawan dieya spt yg dinyatakan di atas.. hehe :).. saya pun dah pernah buat iui.. tp x successful.. dr. suggest for 2nd iui last sept.. tp we decided utk try naturally.. anyway.. i rasa mcm mahal giler gonal-f yg u beli tu.. i beli last year one stick rm400.. but then i kenen kenen kt dr. tuh so i dpt discount for 2 sticks kena bayar rm700 je.

All the best to you ya!

dot said...

Shikin. Best kan G&B tuh. Duit banyak so bole de-stress selalu.hehe

Thank you abah. :)

Thank you kure2 :)

Thank you Dieya :)

Hi Aza. Seribu tu campo u/s and consult that day, so tolak2 dekat rm800 jugak la satu stick gonal-f tu..Murah gile u beli RM700 for 2.. hehe..Neway, kitaorg mmg aware TMC nih mahal sket (in term of consult charge, u/sound). Tapi we're sooo comfortable with the doctor and also the redha jek dust to you too..

Farina said...

Dot, kirenye kalau diizinkan Allah, fertilization happens, u ada high chances untuk dapat twins/triplets/quadruplets (tak larat nak tulis dah) lah kan? Ape2 pun, I doakan u dapat baby secepat mungkin :) Amin. Insya-allah

Zuraida said...

Hi Dot!!!
Eh good luck ya!!! Cepat-cepat sket!!


*me excited over your future lil one!*

Zuraida said...

Hi Dot!!!
Eh good luck ya!!! Cepat-cepat sket!!


*me excited over your future lil one!*

dot said...

Farina. Teoritically and technically, yes. The chances are there tapi very slim. Twins best gak kan. buy 1 free 1. hehe. Thanks babe

Future auntie zu. Thank you. nak datang umah aku esok after work? Aku tak keja 2-3 hari nih. Doktor kasik cuti suruh berehat. heavennnn..hehehhe..

dedalie said...

m going to see dr dev again tomorrow. my problem relapse again :(

aku rasa sebab kegemukan melanda ini teluh menyusahkan diri utk TTC. anyways gudluck beb. aku mmg terbayang dah ko cam G&B tu.

p/s: makan tahun jugak nak kumpul duit wat IVF ni.

syafajalal said...

all the best!

Unknown said...

me ada sorg kwn yg pegi LPPKN utk dptkan fertality treatment ni, & alhamdulillah cost x semahal yg u mention dlm entry u ni la sbb both of them pun mmg kje gov. alhamdulillah after 1 thn dh lekat & now dh pregnant 6 bulan.. teknik IUI, sekali masuk je terus lekat... rezeki.. good luck zarina..