Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tag Tentang Leman & Jawapan Dari Leman :)

Here's a tag to measure how well you know about your spouse.

Rules: Here’s a chance to see how well you really know your husband. Cut, paste and fill in the answers, then shoot, you know what to do. The real challenge is to send it to your husband to see how right you really are.

Walaupon takde orang specifically tag aku..aku nak jugak syok sendiri buat tag nih..hehehhe..nanti aku pakse rela Leman check jawapan aku okeh..

#1. He’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
Whatever his wifey wanna watch..ngehehehhehe... :P
husband Dot: Emmm......cite ape yer?? Mestila cite yg. my wife nk tgk sebab aku tgh sibuk main guitar hero..hehehe...;p

#2. You’re out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
Salad? Dia tak makan salad..
husband Dot: Yg nie 100% betul....

#3. What’s one food he doesn’t like?
Semua jenis sayur sayuran...huhuhuuh..camne nak jadik popai camnih..
husband Dot: Ni pon betul gak nih...Takpe la honey....tak jadi Popai kan lagi bagus...tak payah hisap paip...hehe..

#4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
Teh Tarik kalau dia terasa nak minum panas.. Lemonade kalau dia terasa nak minum sejok..(even dia order teh tarik..compem dia akan pau air ais aku..hehhehe)
husband Dot: Ni susah sikit nih sebab aku pon tak berape tahu minuman kegemaran aku...hehe....buat season sekarang nih...jawapan my wife tu tepat sekali...tapi kadang2 suke minum milo....minum milo anda jadi sehat & kuat...

#5. Where did he go to high school?
Beberapa bulan terawal di Anderson Ipoh..then the rest of high school kat Bainun Ipoh..
husband Dot: Nih kalo tak tahu aku merajuk 1 minit ngan wife aku...

#6. What size shoes does he wear?
8 or 9 or 10 pon ader.. dia sendirik pon kengkadang konfius saiz kaki dia.. apetah lagik aku yg bukan tuan punya kaki..hehehhe..
husband Dot: Yg nie aku memang kompius....kenape la saiz kasut tu ade UK la....US la...kan senang kalo die buat saiz org malaysia....tak la aku kompius dgn saiz kasut sendiri..

#7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
He's not into collecting..tapi aku harap2 if he would be..he won't be collecting wives! huhuhuhu.. akak jatuhkan anak lesung batu atas ibu jari kaki dia nanti noks..huhuhuhu.. Collect duit takpe :P husband Dot: collect aper ye?? Memang tak de pon...pandai wife aku....

#8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
Tak memilih.. tapi suka Egg Cheese Sandwich @ Juiceworks dan jugak Ciken sandwich @ Starbaks.
husband Dot: Memang betul jawapan tu honey....tapi buat org lapar la....huhu....nak sandwich.....

#9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
"Leman tak kisah".. huhuhuhu.. yg compem dia makan nasik hari2..heheheh.. dan jugak compem dia tak makan katak goreng tepung atau khinzir masak kecap..uhuhuuhuhuh...
husband Dot: Ape aku suker makan ek?? Sekali lagi my wife memang tahu kegemaran aku...Aku memang tak memilih makanan...asalkan ade makanan... and tak suke bawang....

#10. What is his favorite cereal?
Dia nih jarang makan cereal.. tapi kalau di beri pilihan.. Cornflakes la agak nye.. Compem tak suke cereal yg pelik pelik dan mempunyai warna lebih daripada satu..
husband Dot: Memang aku tak berape suke cereal, tapi kalo makan, ader satu cereal yg wife aku beli kat Giant tu aku agak suke....ape ntah name nyer cereal tu...ape yer name cereal tu honey??

#11. What would he never wear?
Aku confidensi laki ku takkan pakai Saree! heheheh..
husband Dot: Sudah semesti nyerrr....

#12. What is his favorite sports team?
Dia nih ngaku peminat CHELSEA.. Tapi aku tengok kalau Chelsea ade game pukul 3 pagi.. pukul 10 malam dia dah berdengkur tido..dan hanya akan bangun keesokan paginye (compem bukan pukul 3 pagi ye)..huhuhuhu..
husband Dot: Aku sememang nyer penyokong kuat CHELSEA (sendiri declare) tapi tido lebih penting dari tgk football match (LIVE)...esok pagi tgk je internet utk tahu result and malam nyerr plak, tgk youtube utk replay goals...senangkan..hehe

#13. Who did he vote for?
Aku rasa dia nih register ngan SPR pon belom agik sungguh generasi baru masa kini (at least akak regis nyehs..walaupon tak vote..hahahha)
husband Dot: Heheh...aku sajer jee tak register sebab aku vote for parti bebas... (nih sumer alasan sebab masih belum register ngan SPR)

#14. Who is his best friend?
Conferm la Akak kan besfren dia.. besfren.. bedfren.. semua fren lah senang citer.. cuma kalau akak lambat naik sebab layan CSI..besfren sementara dia Hiro..
husband Dot: Its true are my everything...

#15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do?
Kacau dia tido malam2 just nak mintak dia tolong slimutkan aku..hehehehhe.. (saje dengki tahap ketara..padahal dah sah2 terjaga dan boleh tarik slimut sendirik kan..hehehhe)
husband Dot: hehe...pandai wife aku nih....malam nanti tak nak selimut kan honey la....sebenar nyeee aku suke sgt selimutkan wife aku tuh....

#16. What is his heritage?
Melayu kompem ada.. cine juga ade sikit.. jawa pon macam ade sikit.. cuma red indian jek CONFIRM TAKDE..
husband Dot: Emmm....sebenarnye aku pon tak berape pasti....mungkin ade campuran Italiano sikit kot (sendiri perasan)...haha....yg pasti, ape yg my wife tulih tuhh memang betul...

#17. What is his favorite colour?
Hijau segala jenis hijau.. termasok lah hijau lumut..hijau pekat..hijau laut..hijau cair..hijau pucuk pisang..dan jugak hijau pucuk paku..(tak termasok muntah hijau atau taik baby kategori najis mutawassitah kaler hijau)
husband Dot: Nih pon agak susah bagi aku....HIJAU memang my favourite colour....tapi kadang2 ade gak suke kaler lain...ala...macam wife aku la.....suker kaler MERAH tapi suke gak kaler PINK...

#18. What is his habit?
Suka asah kaki kat bantal.. huhuhuhu... atau tilam.. atau karpet.. atau kengkadang baju kurung aku pon boleh kalau menepati citarasa tapak kaki dia.. huhuhuuh...
husband Dot: hahaha....nih tak bole reveal kat blog nih....malu aku nih...habis pembaca2 blog wife aku tahu aku suke asah kaki....huhu

#19. What is he proud of?
Me..Me..Me.. hehehehhe..
husband Dot: of WIFE....

#20. Lastly, do you think he will read this?
Kalau tak terpaksa compem tak..kalau terpaksa.. mungkin ya >:)
husband Dot: Mestila......dari pagi tadik dah pesan kat aku suruh komen semua jawapan die tu....sambil aku tgh komen nih...die dah tertido kat sebelah aku sebab aku tulih lembab sgt.....Ok la honey....I LOVE You....mmmmuuaaaahhhsss.....dah lengoh dah jari nih nak menaip....nite2


Farina said...

Wah.. romantiknye husband u.. :)

C-I-K-I-N-T-O said...

romantiknya abg Leman :)

mak suke noks!

a.z.n.e.e said...

I knew it from a long long time ago..

Dorg ni mmg lovely couple dr dulu lg.. Teringat lak time temankan ko gayut dgn leman kat pondok telefon umah opah n pondok telefon kat blok c.. hehehe...

dot said...

Farina: Tenkiu :) I'm sure all husbands are romantik..:P

Cikinto: sebab tu akak sayang dari dulu sampai sekarang..hehehe..

Jonny: Dulu mana de handphone kan..pondok tepon la tempat melepas windu..huhuhu..tapi kan pondok tepon umah opah tuh tinggal pondok je kan..gagang pon takde..huhuhu..

a.z.n.e.e said...

the most important is the memories..
kalo boleh, ko amek gmbr pondok tepon tuh.. ntah2 pas ni dh kena roboh pulak,.. bukan senang zaman sekarang nk jmp peti tipon warna oren.. huhuhu...